
That’s why we have determined proclamations like “The revolution will not be televised,” to steel ourselves against that. I don’t see these statements as naive, I see them as digging their heels in to confront these realities.

Interesting... Well like you say, Trump’s cronyism (not to mention Bannon’s anarchism) is not a boon to capitalism or economic development in a broad neoliberal sense. I still don’t know to what extent “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” in this case.

There’s a lot we can do in 20 years before we become humorous to the next generation. I was reminded of this yesterday came across a radical feminist text from the 70s from a group called Cell 16. I’m sure they had problematic elements, but stuff that they were campaigning for - recognizing the unpaid labour of

Ugh. You captured exactly the right shades of nauseated disgust here.

In related news, I am henceforth 29.

This was my first thought. Only someone with vested interest could be that horrible.

It also uncannily captures a facial expression that really defines her for me. I’d say it’s well out of the caricature territory and into realistic portrait.

Never has a perfect scene from a perfect movie been co-opted so perfectly.

I think the photos are hot and statuesque (if a little limited to conventionally attractive body sizes), but I admire your eloquence in drawing a line in the sand.

I will never not star this.

I legit squee’d when I saw the headline and photo. This is the one of the few celebrity couples I feel somewhat invested in mainly because they are so adorable :) Though Jordan Peele and Chelsea Peretti also give me the happies.

Same here! I know nothing about the dude but I liked Amanda Seyfried in the couple things I’ve seen her as well as the fact that she and I share a couple things in common - I was even told I resemble her. I feel slightly more moved by her drama than I expected...

I read it as Brad Pitt’s “been working on sad sculpture” and it worked equally well.

We could spend all day discovering “off” things about this picture, but his Hitler/vampire slicked hair and resting serial killer face take the cake for me.

that was pretty much my reaction too :)

Now playing

I genuinely never think about armadillos. But thanks for inspiring me to find this video. My life is now 75% happier than it was two minutes ago.

I love anything by Bobby Finger and I love the Golden Girls so this article didn’t sit badly like the rest. I didn’t read the article about how Jezzie is going to support Women’s Day - is that where your take is from?

Exactly! I’m working on some texts in feminist economics and women’s leisure and self-care is problematized in ways that men’s greater leisure is not. It could be important to bring class and gender analysis into it for women of financial status of the Kardashians for example, but we should also bring the leisure

Spicer confirmed that the women who were supposed to be in the White House today, are.

Exactly! It’s a bullshit experiment that, as another commentator pointed out, does not bear out on the fact that Hillary’s debates only raised her points and the fact that she won the fucking popular vote.