
Now that’s a reference everyone understands!

This is just another example of the media blowing up the importance of black-on-black crime, but how come nobody ever mentions it when a cop kills an unarmed black person? Disgusting hypocrites.

According to Schefter, some NFL teams are hoping to learn if police determine that Collins was the father of Mills’s child.

This could have been avoided if Scherzer had someone who was designated to give soundbites instead of him.

Look, this stuff looks great and all, but until there’s a business opportunity in it that I can introduce to my friends and family in order to supplement my income, I’m just not interested.


Wow, that’s ironic.

“Homophobia, vandalism, racism, all on a Sunday”

Yes, in retrospect my choice of words bears some similarity to an incident that I think was in the news a while ago

i just want a chance to change lives

when do i get to host a tv show

Wow! An explosive end to the marathon from these two foreigners!

Anyone who calls this traveling can die in a fire.

Geez, it's a good thing he's already sitting down, or else they'd have given him the chair.

would a “boring-ass” team have set an NHL record for most empty net goals in a season

fuck you, barry

[tries a kick]
[is signed by the Detroit Lions]

This problem could be better solved if we just made all penises wear body cameras.

"It is a shame for FCK"

[shakes head]