thank fucking christ
thank fucking christ
More like Nosuch Dame, amirite???
[asks for God to show him a sign]
[closes eyes]
[opens eyes]
[sees sign]
[sign says "All You Can Eat - $6.99"]
-JaMarcus Russell
You should have scrolled down to page two of the list, which was a bit more damning. For reference, here's what it said:
He didn't actually miss time with the thumb injury; it was a deep paper cut he got typing up his retirement letter.
[pokes your asshole]
how the fuck do i dismiss comments. clearly i've never done it before
Yeah, this video is sad and disturbing, but the dashcam video of the kid sobbing while driving himself home from practice is even worse.
You big idiot. I love it. +1
Please let me know when the Adequate Man article for tagging posts on Adequate Man is published on Adequate Man.
I fervently hope that you are actually responding to my comment and didn't just click on the wrong "Reply" button. I hope that more than anything.
Ned Yost can go fuck himself. Bees are little shitheads and they can all fucking die for all I care. Did I ever tell you about the time one of the fuckers stung me in the dick? There I was, minding my own business, fucking a beehive in a Target parking lot, when
John Schneider: "OK, Marshawn. Looks like we have a deal. But I've got a treat for you."
John Schneider: [hits red button on desk; door slides upwards]
John Schneider: "Come on in, Russell."
Russell Wilson: [is definitely going to hand the pen to Lynch to sign]
Marshawn Lynch: "Fuck you."
Hey, I wasn't born yesterday, but my nephew Melvin was. Mel born yesterday!
That's pretty offensive. You should have marked this comment NSW
Even if you tried to wander away, Aus still tralia.
I wish you'd lager off
You call that a knife? This is a knife! [unzips pants to show that I have surgically implanted a knife to my groin] [attempts a dance move but falls]
I did this once playing boomerang golf. I thought it was a good idea at first, but then it hit me that it wasn't.