Dave Miller

Mother Theresa DID run a cult. The atrocious conditions at her ‘homes for the dying’, her casual friendships with dictators, her glorification of pain and suffering, as well as her funneling of an immesurable amount of money people thought went into charity towards missionary work in India are all well documented to

I have greatly appreciated your work and wish you the best of luck in your current and future endeavors.

Cad Bane? Again? Ugh.

I thought we had all moved on to “Ben Shapiro can’t satisfy his wife”?

The Ben Shapiro thing is funny because he has such an obvious complex about it. This, on the other hand, is just a shitty snipe at short people. Why is this ok, at all?

Yeah, but Nick Nolte got to chew some scenery and eat some electricity. 

I’m getting flashbacks to Ang Lee’s Hulk...having a serious dramatic director adds prestige to the movie

Little know fact: Ernest Hemingway’s lost suitcase contained stories he wrote for Weird Tales.

It’s not the same in the states, as evidenced by Winchell v. Mahoney and the Charlie McCarthy hearings.

kinda sorta feels a bit like Twin Peaks, but without owls and the Black Lodge (so far)...

He’s off filming Silence II!

I once yelled out “Play Free Bird!” at a Prince show. Prince stopped the show and a few guys from The New Power Generation took me out back and stomped a mudhole in my ass. But Prince being Prince, he played the song. I heard it was good and pretty faithful to the original.

Suicide Squad need to be killing real folk, and die to real folk.”


His wife also said he was always peaceful. She may not be the trusted source that snopes thinks she is.

Ok. Don’t wanna name names? Everytime I see a new Ray Fisher post the commentary is mostly about how Ray Fisher needs to prove what he says etc etc. So I’m sorry one “Snyder Tribalist” has poisoned the well for you, but I see a lot of people already on your side. See for example most posts in this thread.

an important thing to remember is you are under no obligation to back anyone and it truly, truly doesn’t matter if you do!

The Scientologists got to be scratching their heads how they missed this one.