Dave Miller

Guys chill its a fun character and just the intro to her but this moment is less about her storyline and more of a breakout moment for an actress and appreciation for her timing and delivery. This is a big moment for Patty Guggenheim and something many actors wait their entire career for. 

Given that none of them have had any sort of meltdown or freak-out suggests to me that someone on the sets made sure to make it a healthy environment for them.

I’d like to read that story.

Given the rates of violence and murder in the trans community it is, in fact, “Sooooo brave” for anyone to come out as trans.  

Why shouldn’t she be? That movie owns.

Your lack of empathy is honestly disturbing. You're absolute trash and you should feel terrible about who you are as a person 

you’re a gross person.

“Here’s a slideshow of other famous people who died this year.”

The prequels were disasters, but at least they were original disasters. The sequels were pointless rehashes, particularly TFA. 

If the sequel trilogy has any value at all it is that they are so monumentally awful that it has forced a cultural re-examination of the prequel trilogy. The fact that we are LOOKING FORWARD to seeing Hayden Fucking Christensen as Darth Vader again is staggering to me. For years he was considered the worst part of

This is a hell of an option to have on your website:

For some people, being an unrepentant arsehole is a passion, not a job.

Wow, he even put in extra effort to be a troll! That’s dedication.

How could anyone call Hook Spielberg’s worst film when Temple of Doom continues to exist?

I love the irony that the people who are angry because this is virtue signaling are lack-of-virtue signaling; that he is doing this publicly because when you virtue signal you attempt to inspire people to do the same...and when you act like a shitheap troll you’re doing the same because you think more people should

This case doesn’t seem to be about ego, if anything let’s hope it will inspire others.

Goddamit, this is a dark fucking period!

That line in the review is a big part of what inspired me to write the piece!

Wait, who do we like here?

Meh, it’s a little known secret that in TV, directors are in charge of jack and shit.