Dave Miller

There was.

I will forever cherish Wes Craven Presents Dracula 2000 because of Entertainment Weekly’s awesome dis of Gerard Butler:

For lazy recycling nothing can top the recurring Seventies sketch called “X Police” that reused its entire script word for word aside from changing character names.

It probably also had to do with their parents not stealing their earnings or working them like show horses

Yeah, as terrible as the prequels might have been, they were still personal, idiosyncratic works of art, while even at their best, the sequels were corporate product.

Working as an extra can be miserable. Shows can at least feed them on time.

Don’t listen to this guy, Chick Counterfly. What your posts needs is a major subplot about an extra wide vagina.

I think Whedon was expecting more of a Vanity Fair type article, where his words would have been wrapped in obsequious puffery. He would have likely still come off unsympathetically, but at least his genius would have been fluffed. I doubt he thought Lila Shapiro, a longtime fan, would present his words so damningly cl

Dushku recruited Whedon to create the show, and that was what he came up with. “Actress-producer gets raped weekly” is the kind of pitch someone makes when they don’t want a job. I think it’s bizarre and insane, and was obviously intended as a provocation, but she doesn’t seem to have voiced any issues so who the fuck

Dushku was so irresistible Whedon found himself literally compelled to create a show where her character was raped in every episode.  

I bet this has less to do with COVID box office than Sony’s desire to avoid the embarrassment of chasing the record-breaking No Way Home with an obvious turd.

This is exactly what came to mind. “Dr. Oz is a medical doctor. He is 61 years of age. He is constitutionally eligible to run for office in the Senate of the United States.”

A friend of mine crewed an indie film co-starring Jeff Garland, and told me Garland spend his down time on set hanging out at my friend’s work station insulting my friend and telling him he was never going to have a career in film. He even showed up on his days off to sit around lobbing insults. 

What did Jost say to Pete Davidson at the end of Pete’s Update piece? It sounded like he was asking where the Top Gun bit came from.

We don’t care about spoilers, right? The symbiote takes over and speed draws some pictures he saw in Woody Harrelson’s cell, leading Brock to track down some evidence and pissing off Cletus. I can’t find an Upgrade clip but the chip did the same thing.

In Venom 2, an early plot turn stems from the symbiote demonstrating a new power which was straight up swiped from Upgrade, so somebody at Sony clearly appreciated the similarities enough to make them more than superficial.

I was confused by Captain Marvel’s hair. There was a card that said “Present Day” but it was long enough after Endgame for Carol to add a good twelve inches to her elongated pixie cut. So... 2024?

Most of Paquin’s added scenes in the extended cut build Polexia’s crush on William, particularly her last scene where she asks him to write about her one day.

He also said he was just following orders when he helped fuck over Thurman’s lawsuit about the car crash, because for all Tarantino’s celebrity and acclaim, on the Kill Bill set he was just Laurence Bender ‘s employee.