Dave Miller

Whatever happened between Braun and Swift, anyone so smug and self-satisfied he lets people call him “Scooter” into his forties has earned universal contempt.

Must we put up with this?”

As I recall, my impression was while the character in crutches was faking his injuries’ persistence and severity, he was genuinely injured when he started visiting Mary’s practice. He lied about being in a car accident, but said near the end of the movie he actually recruited a friend to work him over with a baseball

Another fallen idol. I expected something nobler from an immigrant-hating serial drug addict who recorded and released a DOUBLE album about fucking his best friend’s wife. At least it was a good album. 

For your information, Moore is standing next to Ashton Kutcher’s father, who is indeed homeless.  I hope you feel good.  

Love that movie. 

The dude is fantastic at playing unlikable douchebags, so this is solid casting.

Schrader typically makes uncomfortable and depressing movies, so only time will tell if viewers want to deal with three whole seasons of him.

There’s a Daredevil comic where Matt got a job cooking at a crappy diner, and within days the place went from being deserted to packed with customers, baffling regulars who came specifically to avoid the crowds who previously stayed away from the terrible food.

It’s not odd at all. Production staff or management don’t micromanage the extras’ makeup. The artists can pretty much do whatever they want as long as they think it looks good. Barring some specific directive, it’s going to maybe be approved with a nod by the department head and accepted as a matter of routine by the

That’s where I know him from!

Paul Simon and Carrie Fisher? Although they weren’t actually married during any of their hosting gigs. 

You make it sound like the friggin Dark Ages. People forget the Jimmy Carter was elected president two years earlier despite a controversial Playboy interview where he graphically described performing fellatio on a stranger at a key party he attended in Atlanta’s wealthy Buckhead Park neighborhood.

Anybody trying to debunk this story is providing aid and comfort to America’s enemies. Snopes should learn it’s appropriate to stand down once in a while and just let us have some righteous fake news.

Probably exhaling in relief. He can’t possibly be as fun to wait on hand and foot as Tom Cruise.

I liked Chalamet’s Harry Styles. It reminded me of the way Dan Ackroyd did the bare minimum to achieve his Jimmy Carter impression.

Where else are they going to send their kids? To some complete dump like Oxford?

Ah, yes. Thanks. 

What was the deal with the green wristband McKinnen wore as Giuliani? I kept wondering if it was some hyper-specific actual detail, like maybe something from a strip club he visited.