Dave Miller

I actually cheered before I realized he wasn’t dead. The only downside of killing him is that it would have been better if Dr. Senator had pulled the trigger in th previous episode.

May 2021 will be 22 months since Spider-Man Far From Home, which is the longest gap between MCU films since the 23 months separating Incredible Hulk in 2008 and Iron Man 2 in 2010. 2020 will be the first calendar year without a MCU release since 2009. Crazy.

Not only that, when Caviezal made that ad, he apparently did so in character as Jesus, reciting Christ’s last words from the cross in Greek.

I have a feeling D’Souza is going to cap off his lifetime of iniquity and bad acts by surviving to an obscenely old age of 100 or more, just so his fans can outrage us all a final time by lamenting how unfair it is the good die so young.

It’s already a racial issue. When people of different races have a conflict, there’s an inherent racial aspect whether the white parties think there is or not.

Right?!?!? And where’s his social security number, anyway?

Did Stephen King write the adaptation?

Disney just needs to accept reality and release New Mutants on demand already! Sheesh, I’m starved enough for superhero content to pay $30 for an X-Men movie. Just take my money, ffs.

He was totally sleeping with older women on top of being a stripper. His conversation with Shoop about how great it was being epically experienced while still a teenager wouldn’t make sense otherwise.

“No charges were filed” also works.

A few months later, I ran into Jason Alexander in the parking lot of Cantor’s Deli, and I happened to be with my dad. So I said, “Hey, Jason!” and I introduced him to my dad. And Jason said something that will always make him number one in my book. He said, “Oh, you’ve got a very talented son here!” He couldn’t

“The Devil Went Down To Georgia” was a fun song.

Interesting interview. I’m repeatedly surprised to learn which movies I barely remember from heavy rotation on cable turned out to be well-regarded classics. It’s too bad this didn’t make Joyce Hyser a star; I think the only other thing I’ve seen her in since was an episode of Melrose Place.

I feel like demographically I should despise Davidson, but instead I find him hilarious.

The Perez Monitor costumes were perfect for comics. The tv costumes were terrible for live action.

Anna Paquin...lack of lines...The Irishman.

Nice spoiler headline. 

This is correct.

I suspect Weinstein will have no shortage of enterprising auteurs willing to attach his name to their films in exchange for an in at Sundance (and a piece of their souls), and gonzo festival programmers determined to virtue signal their righteous judgment of the art and not the names in the credits, as we’ve seen with

Andrew J. Silas is the name of the comedian who stood up and said, “I’d like to address the elephant in the room. Who in this room produced Good Will Hunting? ‘Cause that shit was great.”