Given the appearence of Heather Graham, including a sex scene, I was amused by the use of Brand New Key in the credits
Given the appearence of Heather Graham, including a sex scene, I was amused by the use of Brand New Key in the credits
Couldn't we bring closure to his time as Batman by casting him in Spider-Man 3?
I liked it more than Apocalypse.
Calm down about Darth Maul. He’s only a great villain in a George Lucas sense: he looks cool. But does he have any good lines? How’s the performance? Does he even do anything very villainous besides... wear black and fight the good guys?
Earlier this week, he was wearing a hospital bracelet during one of his press conferences.
I was disappointed Swanee’s shot didn’t actually kill him. His character is so cartoonish that its becoming quite a distraction for me
Thank you for your opinion, weakest link of every group you’ve ever been in.
Amazing. His post states that a white actor with the same initial offer was allowed to negotiate while he, a black actor, was not.
Predators know how to pick their victims.
I’m an anonymous commenter in the Internet. I think I’ve earned the benefit of the doubt.
He’s like the real life version of that guy in Orphan Black who paid to have a tail implant.
My god that was great. It was everything I wanted from something Star Wars. The score, the action, the emotion, it all just hit you right in the chest. It was awesome. I know its become tired to bring up the sequel trilogy but this kind of stuff is what was missing in every one of those movies. Yeah, I get that the…
Season 5 was worth it just for the scene of McNulty meeting with the FBI profilers.
I reject your criticism of the Monitors costume design. That shit is vintage George Perez operating the height of his Perez-iness.
“The Irishman... is essentially a three-hour meditation on how life is pointless and it fucks us all over in the end.”
Maybe just angling for some freebie like an extension of the free trial, or an extra month of subscription.
If you think Scorsese’s films have been repetitive and uninspired, I can only assume you hven’t seen them.
“Dark Fate was, by default, the third best Terminator movie”
Terminator 3 was better.
The film just wasn’t very good either. It was just as Fast and Furious CG nonsense as the trailers suggested and did that common thing many a originality-deprived “female remake” does of just copy-pasting the previous “male films” but act like “winking” at that somehow masks the obvious lack of originality.
Any man who must say “I swear I’m not a piece of shit” is no true non-piece of shit