
To LW1, if he’s not complaining/seems happy, then maybe he is - the whole global pandemic stress-fest might be decreasing his libido too. Or, he might be ok with going solo for now, since he sees how hard a time you’re having. But, you should be up front with him about what’s going on with you, and check in to make

“I don’t think your boyfriend is morally obligated to disclose that he’s HIV-positive to a casual sex partner”

How is the answer to the question “should someone inform a person they’re planning on having sex with of the fact that they have a sexually transmitted disease?” not an unambiguous “Yes, yes of course they should inform that other person, because that other person has the absolute right to make an informed decision

Prep is 99% effective, (Pep about 80%), it can stop working, it can cause health issues, and if you don’t take it properly, it becomes less effective.

It was fucking horrifying, and I say that as a gay man who lived through the 80s.

The worst piece of advice: sure lie to your partner about having HIV.

It’s a topic for an entire article. I retrieved what I wrote in occasion of the Grimm finale, which reviewer Les Chappell described correctly this way:As the story we’ve watched for six seasons ends, it leaves us with a sense that we only reached the end of a volume, and the adventure continues in books yet to be

Actually what research has been conducted shows wrestling fans are more lefty than a lot of competitive sports. It’s also a surprisingly diverse fanbase (and I say surprisingly because the main eventers in wrestling promotions are historically pretty white), so that contributes. 

I looked it up out of curiosity.

it’s definitely worth a watch.

2009's “Make the Yuletide Gay” did as well.

For real. There’s no way TBH cost less to produce. But I guess this one drew bigger numbers, even though TBH was a much better show.

Came here to shout this exact same thing!

Santa Clarita Diet. Covid wasn't even happening and they can'd it.

So did Mulaney repeat his SNL bit that it didn’t matter who you voted for? That was really funny and sweet.

Yeah, to me this article is such a weird read of the remake, which is so clearly not about a Trump-like figure, some blundering but charismatic outsider who seizes power by plugging into the normally unspoken shadow side of a major political party. Senator Shaw is the ultimate insider, daughter of a legendary

It’s not a safe haven; sadly, it’s not even a no-kill shelter.

People who vote 3rd parties have a weird air of superiority about them. This is especially weird since they obviously can’t do basic math. There are exactly two people who have a chance to be president. If you don’t vote for one of them then you really haven’t voted. If you live in a state that’s firmly red or blue

Am I correct in thinking that people have less faith now in Netflix as a safe haven for quality TV?