Yep. Like, okay, Biden’s Biden, but he’s actually gained forward momentum and done some end runs around the clown car fuckpile that is the GOP.
Yep. Like, okay, Biden’s Biden, but he’s actually gained forward momentum and done some end runs around the clown car fuckpile that is the GOP.
Would have been nice to at least mention that the report saying nobody would convict Biden because he’s old is kinda an out of line comment similar to Comey in 2016, and that the man who wrote the report was a Trump appointment and associate of former AG Barr. That feels somewhat relevant. I have no doubt Biden is…
Wait, Joe Biden is *old*???? This changes everything. Thanks for coming back Jon, don’t know what I’d do without you.
Jon delivered that monologue with all the confidence of a rich, straight white male who will be okay no matter who wins in November.
I guess I’m a “contraian” if that means expressing an opinion contrary to yours.
Watched it for the intrigue of seeing what it would be like and I seriously debated turning it off after the first segment but stuck with it anyway.
Didn’t Biden already beat Trump?
Do we want to mention how Biden did the right thing with the railworkers though? Lighting the economy on fire for people to get sick time when they get 5 weeks PTO is...not fair to the WAY MORE FUCKING PEOPLE that would be hurt by the strike. Ya know, not to mention that the major rail companies started providing 3…
Andy - you got it all wrong. Rail worker unions did get their sick days in June 2023:
I love the movie and always have, but I think the one weakness is the casting of Jeroen Krabbe as the revealed villain. It ought to be a shock, but in the words of Film Critic Bill Murray, “We Don’t Like Foreigners.” Imagine the role being played by a vaguely recognizable American character actor - like David…
Mangold made his comments at a press event for his latest film, Indiana Jones and the Squeezings of the Lost Rag.
She supports the WGA because, as Shakespeare said, “The lady doth protest”, and she is a lady.
“I think of the words of Shakespeare where he once said, ‘The play is the thing.’ Well, I don’t wanna put words in his mouth or anything, but I think what he really meant was, ‘It’s everything.’”
I’ve read both of these articles and perused the comments and mainly that is a terrible haircut.
“We have to go back, Kate! To school, I mean.”
I don’t know why anyone keeps expecting people who often didn’t attend normal standardized school or secondary education (for something other than pretending) to have any kind of idea what the fuck is what when it comes to science.
The whole “Nepo Baby” discourse around celebs strikes me as a distillation of American attitudes about everything: “There’s something that’s been happening for a long time in a very visible forum, and I don’t like it!...But don’t you dare apply the argument I’m making to anything about to my own life! Those…
The scene of them all arriving at the dock was actually a super great way to give us a perfect summary of the character just by showing their mask usage.
He deserves better than Blockbuster
And if the show had actually built up any of that, prepared the way for it at all in any fashion whatsoever, it wouldn’t have been so jarring to so many people.