
Up until COVID-19, the Democratic platform was little more than simply removing Trump. It’s still that but they talk about making healthcare available and affordable to all but still don’t have anything laid out to achieve that’

I’m seriously wondering if Jim Downey came back to write that opening. It had that ‘Republicans are ridiculous but honest and Democrats are annoying and feckless’ vibe that a lot of his SNL political work had. 

I do believe Hank has to get the $100 bill from a small store and ends up killing the clerk and an unlucky shopper who caught him in his misdeed. I remember it was bloody.

That’s a damn shame. If nine seasons of How I Met Your Mother have taught me anything, it’s that I’ll sit through anything with Cobie Smulders in it.

Rank the worstness:

We at the network want a Batwoman with brattitude. She’s geeky, she’s “on main.” You’ve heard the expression, “adorkable”? Well, this is a Batwoman who gets “nerdelicious!” Consistently and thoroughly.

Every episode written by the same man too. 

The salary isn't great, but I don't do it for the money, I do it for the JOB.

Season 5, Episode 2:

Former Vice President Joe Biden, who’s been mostly absent from the discourse surrounding the coronavirus pandemic

You and me both 

Yeah now I know what creepypasta is and. . . I’m not sure I’m the better for it.

When I think of immutable massive corporate monoliths I think of companies that existed 10 years ago that have actually made money.

Mueller is 74 - too old to appear before Congress.

The reality, of course, is that your doctors are being moved out of network because doctors and administrators (not private insurers) are the main driver of the escalating cost of care. If we ever get close to a single-payer system, just wait and see how many doctors suddenly decide they oppose it.

The wildest part of this whole (otherwise delightful, because it truly whips to see someone wreck Joe Biden) controversy is that a few days after having attacked him for suggesting state and local authorities should’ve had ultimate say over busing (which was unquestionably a racist position on Biden’s part — just one

At least it wasn’t Ray bloody Purchase!

She didn’t ask this man for advice again did she?

Geev dat myan his ryekomend styar.

Still, whatever keeps him off Billions is fine with me.*