
Who was, indeed, more electable than Bernie “I’ll get you the details later” Sanders. Sander would have run on single payer healthcare. Single payer healthcare got creamed the last time it was on a ballot (Colorado, 2016). It would have been a massacre, rather than a narrow loss. 

Superdelegates have nothing to do with the House or Senate. That’s an illogical connection. Republicans control all three branches of government because the people who show up to vote (and Dems really don’t like to bother voting in off year elections) support their god awful policies.

I don’t really watch the news, I read newspapers or listen to the radio while driving, but I didn’t see any of that. Clinton had massive leads throughout the primary in regular votes - there was never any time where Sanders was close to her, without the superdelegates. So claiming that she was well in the lead would

Given that Clinton won by 4 million regular votes, I don’t see how anyone honestly can claim superdelegates had any real impact on the election. They wouldn’t even have if they had voted for Sanders, liked he begged them to. Anyway, the ridiculous caucus system remains and Iowa gets to retain it’s outsized power.

Freudian slip there. I do mean had, not hate. 

I don’t think this site hate one goddamn good thing to say about the economy under Obama. Which was part of the problems. They and many lefty voters acted like it was a vast economic wasteland out there, providing Trump’s narrative for him. 

Joe Biden is more popular than Bernie Sanders. Also, most of your other opinions are wrong. 

First of all, she spent two months out of district campaigning across the country. She can’t be that interested in getting face to face with the people in her district. Second of all, arguing that our shitty press would “get in the way” is just another facet of Trump’s war on journalism.

So your contention is that Chuck Schumer (who fucking loves being in front of any crowd he can find) was lying about plane problems?

It’s still miserable to be a politician. The mayor of my small town gets paid like $4500 (it’s a part time position but a lot of work) to field complaints about everything the government does.

Oh yeah, for sure. 

Ford also has $152,000,000,000 in debt. 

What others tell you about Cuomo might not be correct. Our last 3 Governors before Cuomo were Pataki (a three term Republican who fucked the state on everything other than environmental issues) Spitzer (a Democrat who basically imploded the second he took office and left after a hooker scandal that was a merciful end)

While we have to vigoursly defend our low life’s (because the Republicans will run Slobodan Milosevich without shame), it is better if they have limited baggage.

I really don’t think Cuomo will get very far in a primary. While he has a very progressive record, the guy is very lacking in on screen charisma and his speeches are pretty poor, to me. That rat face twerp that he stomped in the last Gubernatorial election sounded way better over the radio then Andy did (of course, he

“America has always been a terrible shit hole” is basically the left’s motto so I’m not sure what you’re complaining about.

Also, that Bernie guy who beat the slightly more liberal candidate that they mention has 9 arrests. They include drunk driving (20 years ago), driving without a license 3 times, weed possession a long time back and I think failure to show up for court. He also missed some child support payments.

So it’s fun to see you trashing Malloy. He is indeed very unpopular. He was also very liberal and pushed a ton of liberal reforms. His tax raises (which you folks lovvvvveeeee) are the main reason he isn’t popular.

I fear automation and robots to an almost pathological degree (I wont go through self check out lines, I don’t use Amazon, if I ate fast food I would never use one of those Kiosks, I’m a strong believer in supporting any enterprise that gives people a job) but I have to note that even as technology increases at a

I absolutely agree on the second point. I would broaden it so say, let’s fix our grade 0-12 first, before we completely devalue a university education.