
I’m tired of “socialist” idiots not knowing what they support. I’m not remotely a conservative. I want higher taxes on the wealthy, more regulations, particulalry on environmental issues and more government job programs, at least in a local sense. I also don’t want the government to own my small business and allow me


The answer is to raise taxes. Tax cuts are broadly popular in this country. Trump’s approval’s were in the dumps. He cut taxes and they climbed steadily. 

Yeah, as you say, the New Deal isn’t remotely socialism. 

How much do you think you’re going to get paid under a socialist system Libby? I wonder what the going rate is in Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea or what it was in the USSR.

Hey remember when this site went all in on Ellison (after they discovered he existed) and considered it an affront to nature and God that he didn’t get to be the next DNC leader? Remeber that?

Sanders Medicare for all Proposal and the Conyers one both explicitly outlawed private health insurance. So, yes, the intention on the left is for the private health insurance industry to be completely dismantled.  

Medicare For All/Single Payer will effectively ban abortion nationwide. The Hyde rule.

So only 25% support something like single payer or Medicare for all. Which makes it a stupid thing to run on. And that’s the people who claim they would vote for it. The most recent time that single payer was on a state ballot was Colorado in 2016. It went down 21 to 79. A massive defeat. It would be a big mistake to

Isn’t he Bernie’s singing cowboy? How about Zephyr Teachout?

Considering how blue it is, she probably doesn’t actually have to. But this is a pretty good indicator that she isn’t exactly going to be the most attentive congress person. I would actually imagine the district will suffer because of the fact that she won the primary. There’s no way she’ll be bringing more bacon back

Let’s call pastrami what it really is, a bowling ball.

She’s not a pipe dream in her own district (if she actually ever returns to it) but yeah, nationally, nope.

So if Bredsen can’t win... let’s then pick someone even less likely to win? That’s a bold strategy.

Use a phone book. Vic Mackey never steered me wrong.

Sure, let’s focus on that rather than the racist present of the Republican party.

Last year?

I... don’t actually remember you saying that before. Usually you folks are just bashing Democrats.

The Republicans sold their “soul” with Nixon and Reagan, long, long before Trump. 

Ocasio-Cortez isn’t campaigning in her own district any more. She’s off telling people in Kansas not to vote for the homegrown native American candidate but to support the person who moved to the district one year. She’s in Michigan, butting into their primary (which I thought was verboten by the left around here).