
I didn't think I could love him any more when I started watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

Gotta love Stabler

Hahahaha! I'm sorry the poor thing broke her hip, but "drive by pooping" is killing me!

I read her name as "Poopy" at first. Now I kinda wish it was Poopy.

Step 1 - Eat a large hourglass. Be sure to swallow it whole.

It's what goes on top of a cupcake. Right? Sprinkles n Stuff?

hahahahahahahaa neckbeard.


God Dammit You're Awesome. I bow to you.

Okay we're gonna keep going back and forth here, so last one:


I didn't miss it, but I've answered it in various ways in previous replies. :D

Ok can you tell me your name, address, school/work and friends in the neighbourhood?

The reason vigilante justice doesn't work is because anyone can abuse it with almost no consequence, it then rapidly becomes a witch hunt and the original purpose ends up suffering as a result.

Is it 'right?' No. Do I understand it and get why they thought it was a positive thing to do? Yes. That's all I'm saying.

"Groundless complaints" still aren't reason to ignore those that are reported. That's never okay, even if 99 out of 100 are falsely reported rapes (which we know isn't the case).

Yes, it was unnecessary. Yes, I'm fine with it. Maybe it is awful, but I'm betting most women won't scrawl people's names on a rape list for kicks. Some might, though. But feeling something was justifiable and seeing it as black or white, good or bad are two different things.

Well, aren't we condescending today. I know it can be abused. I didn't say it wouldn't be abused. What I said was that I was fine with it. They obviously felt the need for something more than a slap on the wrist to happen. So they did something. I know what it's like to want your power back. So I understand why they