
Well, for starters, they could notify students that sexual assaults are taking place. They could encourage rather than discourage reporting it to officials when it happens. And yes, they could expel them. IMO, these rapes that actually happened trump hypothetical future ones.

I'm fine with this. They brought their concerns to the university and nobody did anything substantial. So, cool.

Hey Sterling,

I'm just saying I think they all have non-natural preservative additives. But if you can go to the store, find a shelf item, flip a box over and find nothing but all natural stuff, then touché to me.

Nothing that you buy in air-tight non-refrigerated packaging inside a cardboard box is "all natural." C'mon Kellogg.

Thank you for this. My whole office is laughing its ass off.

Hickey was NOT PUMPED.

Great. Just great.

When is she going to fade back into obscurity? Are we doomed to keep feeling the effects of McCain/Palin 2008 forever and ever? I thought we voted her out of our lives. Jesus Christ.

I didn't say people from that time period were alive. I said their kids may be. They'd be 100+ years old, but that's a thing now. People live a long time. Grandchildren definitely. And if you think all slavery and its effects ended the year the war did, you've got some more reading to do.

Also, the slave narratives

We get some kind of award, right? This shit never happens. High five.

I think we're all amalgamations of our experiences, and my experiences won't let this be funny.

I'd argue that to make a joke like this, you must first have a stance.

I think that's what gets it for me. I feel like we're being laughed at. Some comics can and do tell jokes about race (Katt Williams, Louis CK) and they're funny because the jokes are just as complex as the issues. I think this was just a cheap attempt at making humor out of something humorless, and it didn't work out.

Thanks! Batz Maru is my spirit animal.

That's your opinion home-slice. I'd argue a point or something, but your Jez history shows that you're a troll so instead I'll just leave this gif:

I think that's probably it. I'm a huge fan of the Slave Narratives, and the fact that the children of some of these people are alive to hear and see this makes me so freakin' sad.

Maybe I'm a prude, but as a black woman, jokes about me being a super-breeder as a slave would and do rub me the wrong way. I don't care who's mouth it came from. What happened to slaves was very real and very unfunny. And one more time for the people in the back, disagreeing with a stance or opinion doesn't mean

You and Mr. Cuervo give me strength.

Oh, fuck. The final is next Wednesday. I've already bought enough Jose Cuervo to kill me 4 times. Having to take Econ again is a special kind of twisted.