
That sounds painful, or uncomfortable at the very least. Have you found a shoe that accommodates better?

Reminds me of Jaws.

Bodies are weird and interesting :) Glad you found a shoe that works for you! (I’m a sucker for Adidas shelltoes, sometimes with an insert, though the newer shoes don’t seem to need it as much.) Also, the mental image of Chucks and a suit makes me smile. That’s an aesthetic I can get behind!

I’m not telling you how to do your work but

Chucks are too narrow through the toe box for me. The only way I’ve found that I can wear them without pain is if they’re several sizes too large. Also, they have very little arch support, so my feet end up pronating and putting pressure on my ankle joints. It’s a shame because they’re a lot of fun, but it’s a ymmv

Because his eye didn’t explode into a halo of blood this time? Low bar, guys.

That last album of Zevon’s is a stunner. What a gift to his fans. Listening to it after his death brought me to tears the same way listening to the last Queen album did. It’s so powerful to listen to the songs of people who know they’re at the end of their lives and have made some sort of peace with it, and want their

*lol* Deep cut!

When I was prescribed oxy post-surgery, I was also handed a scrip for a stool softener. It was very helpful in that regard.

I’m hoping he’s quoting or paraphrasing one of his assailants, not that that makes it a whole lot better.

Oh god. Please don’t give me a reason to want to listen to that bloviating asspucker. A supercut of him saying “CHIIINA!” over and over would be pretty amusing XD

I had a pretty intense surgery about five years ago—they basically sawed my sternum open to get at the gooey bits underneath. They gave me fentanyl during the surgery, and oxycontin for a month afterward while the bone healed. I did a fair amount of drugs in my late teens and early 20s, and had been clean for about 15

it would have to be roughly the size of my entire vagina

Would watching them in incognito mode eliminate that problem?

Oh god, you’re probably right. *shudder*

While I hadn’t noticed the sitting thing from him, I got a chuckle out of the idea of Trumpa the Hutt. The gold bikini would probably suit Melania...

Turns out that not adequately sentencing Turner is having a severe impact on Persky.

Scary, but not surprising. Having a propaganda machine is a worthwhile investment for them. Even if it loses money on its face, they can claim it as a tax writeoff, and then all of those people who bought into their garbage will support them politically to keep fucking us all over.

Listening to him speak, I swear I can feel brain cells die. It’s like his words are targeted strikes on intelligence. More and more, many people are saying it *uncontrollable eyelid twitch*