

Cognitive test =/= IQ test. Acing it doesn’t make you a genius. It means you probably don’t have dementia. You should not be bragging that people were very surprised you passed. 

he has a troll posting with the same name as him, with wildly different views on the world ^^

NBC News obtained Scott’s autopsy, which labeled a collapsed lung as the cause of his death. The autopsy said that the police response didn’t result in “fatal trauma” and instead listed physical restraint, methamphetamine use, asthma, emphysema and heart disease as the leading factors in Scott’s death. The

He had a collapsed lung but they couldn’t determine a cause of death?  That coroner needs to be fired, because they’re either too corrupt or too stupid to do their job.

Someone is going to get shot and killed by the police and President Trump will say they deserved to die. 

There was a story in the Washington Post a couple of days ago about ‘good cops’ intervening when bad cops are doing bad. There was a story about a NYPD cop (I think) that had someone in a chokehold, and another cop physically intervened to save the suspect’s life. She (the cop who intervened) got fired.

I mean, jaywalking is the stereotypical example of an insignificant crime. It’s the punchline to a joke about crime, not an actual crime.

So this whole discussion about good cops/bad cops makes me wonder... I’ve seen so many videos of cops being bad. And while a lot of people will say there are videos of cops being good (kneeling with protesters, helping someone, etc...) what I very specifically want to see are videos of good cops, stopping bad cops

Know your rights. He knew his rights and as soon as he was Mirandized he said what he needed to say “Nah, I’m good.” and nothing else. Once they say “You have the right to be silent”, it’s the best thing you can do for yourself.

Officer Enablement is the bigger problem here. Were it not for Officer Enablement looking the other way, Officer Redacted would have been kicked off the force years ago, and the entire department would have a much better reputation.

Or, they knew he was the Michael Harriot and just wanted to mess with him.

I am pissed off! There must be something I can do to express my outrage. Anyway...

Fuck, man. I got no words, other than that I need your voice. And that as far as I’m concerned, you are a Michelangelo of street sweepers.

Mr. “He’s just trying to make sure they weren’t loose.” can fuck all the way off. He tipped the hand of his complicity by trying to justify the unjustifiable.  

I’ve spent a few evenings watching a white journalist reporting from Portland, OR, saw him teargassed a few times

You are giving them a latitude of which I would not be humanly capable. I’m alone in my apartment and merely reflecting on conversations I have had with co-workers over the past week feels like enough to give me a stroke. I appreciate your demonstrating a humanity which I myself feel unable to experience at the

I’ve spent a few evenings watching a white journalist reporting from Portland, OR, saw him teargassed a few times but it never had me worried for his safety. Last night I saw Michael Harriot’s tweet that he’d been arrested, and I was more worried about a stranger than I’ve ever been. It was a relief to see

I feel sick.

My dad said the same bullshit about disrespecting the flag and I told him straight up, “ your dad faught in WWII so people like Kaepernick could do the very thing you’re condemning: fighting facism.”