
Thank you for this. It’s easy to forget when weasel words are used that, as Chief Queef also points out, they were children. I was assaulted at that age, and for many years I thought I brought it on myself. And then I found a picture of myself from that summer, and I realized that no, dude was a fucking sicko. Doesn’t

There’s something satisfying about that. Like, maybe there is some justice in this world.

I have to say, that so many of the responses here are shutting down people attacking Brown's accuser gives me hope. It would have been a different story even just three years ago. As a survivor, thank you to all of you who are willing to at least hear her out. It means a lot.

This. You feel that shit creeping, every millimetre of it. You also don’t pull it out in the presence of others. You walk like you don’t care that you have a wedgie til you get to a slightly more private spot, and then you rearrange your suit and breathe a sigh of relief once everything can breathe again.

I love this response for so many reasons that all I can say is that I regret I have but one star to give <3

It’s a funnel straight into his damn pocket.

We heard you guys were sad about that meme dying out, so y’know. You’re welcome ^_^

Peameal bacon, thank you!

He smoked pot! GUILTY!

Melania’s body language is pretty interesting here. Her body looks tense and guarded, especially the way she’s sort of hunching over, but that thing she’s doing with her hands looks like a self-soothing gesture. What’s going on, Mel? Why do you look like you want to run? Maybe it’s no more than usual, but it’s still

I have, but women’s jackets usually have absolute bullshit pockets, if they have pockets at all.

Ha, I wish. That would be awesome. 

I might be mistaken, but didn’t the whole playing of the anthem before NFL games and the big to-do around the Salute To Service begin after 9/11?

Your assessment is most likely spot-on, and makes me want to grab a bottle of Bombay East.

Me too. I don’t mind going to Carousel, so long as I have enough warning to travel a bit more first.

Earlier this year, my husband and I separated. I was the one who initiated the split, but it’s still got an emotional impact and it’s hard for that to not affect my work, and I knew I would need time off to deal with the legal side of it as well, so during our weekly one-on-one, I let my manager know what was

Or some duck tape!

This is one of those times when I’m really glad that my work blocks YouTube videos. I can’t see it unless I watch it on my phone, or from home later tonight!

Apologizing is just what we do.