That is 100% sexual harassment, and I’m sorry you had to go through that.
That is 100% sexual harassment, and I’m sorry you had to go through that.
I make jewelry and frequently exclaim “I love gold! I love how it schmells, how it tashtes!”
Agreed. I watch the 3rd more often than the others. I quote it nearly daily. I might have a problem but as you know, preparation h feels good on the whole.
They sound super sweet. I’m the kind of person who has to be around animals, especially bunnies, or else I’m mopey and pathetic. So I adopted another bunny and have implemented strong rules/barriers to keep kids away from her. She is a 5 month old flemish giant with an incredibly loving personality, and 12lbs of…
I’m so glad Bryony is with you and no longer forced into bearing kits. And it’s very sweet that your buns have become bonded pairs. Are they all mini lops?
Pics or it didn’t happen
I was picking up my prescription for bladder relaxing medication when the pharmacist decided he needed to educate me about my condition. Not about the medication but about (what he assumed was) my condition. The one I have been seeing a specialist for years over. The one that has stumped multiple specialists because I…
I’m so sorry for your loss. I recently lost my bunny Mocha to an asshole kid who grabbed her when I wasn’t looking. Stupid kid broke her rib and caused internal bleeding all because of trying to ‘hug the bunny’. I miss Mocha so much.
Rant anytime. What was done to you is awful and I hope you can get the help you need to heal.
I once got the perfect drivers license picture by smizing. It was right after the no smiling allowed rules were introduced and so I did my best to smize straight on at the camera. Hot damn did I look good!!
Thanks Jinni, that means a lot to me. I’ll miss Mocha’s silliness, her cuddles and her grumps. I hope her spirit does live on and stay with me because that would be a great comfort.
Last Thursday this happened:
St Anthony is no joke. I saw 2 missing passports recovered through intercessory prayer.
Men are such whiners!
Perfect description, thank you.
Thank you very much. I really appreciate you coming back to check on me.
Dior show is overrated. It flaked like crazy and didn’t look any better than drugstore brands even before the flakes began.
And sometimes it never goes away. I’ve had diastasis recti for years.