
Same. Told my ex-boyfriend who, 99% of the time, is an incredibly kind, loyal, empathic and respectful person. But this, he just couldn't handle. It was like he became a different person. He badgered me about what "actually happened" - had I been drinking? Why was I in that guy's hotel room? (For the record, that

This is my favorite substitution that I've ever heard of. Using it from now on! Don't worry, I will attribute it to Ginger from Kinja :)

Although, my dad and stepmom got married on New Years Day which seems alright because it's not a huge family time holiday. So they are always able to go get a nice dinner together and all of that. And they are both oldish now, so they joke that having their anniversary on Jan 1 means they'll never have trouble

My ex and I once had a huge disagreement over this. Friends of ours had gotten engaged after lengthy discussions where they mutually decided it was what they wanted. I loved that because it made me feel like they were going into the marriage as equal partners (not that their marriage is about me, but I just admired

I admire your persistence in engaging with him over such a long period of time in order to help him grow past his prejudices. It can be hard to do that with family. But it does feel good to know that progress is possible, even if it's slow.

I agree that freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences. That being said, hate speech in general isn't an exception to the first amendment. If the hate speech was directly addressed to an individual in order to threaten that person and instigate violence, freedom of speech no longer applies. But

I used to live in DC. People who defend that team and that name fucking disgust me. And it's REALLY surprising how many people in DC (which is supposed to be a pretty young and progressive city) actually do defend it.

Also, the founding fathers intentionally used a lot of vague and general language when writing the Constitution. I doubt any of them would have disagreed with the idea that they couldn't anticipate all of the ways the Constitution would need to be applied and interpreted in the future. They couldn't possibly have

I so agree with this - a character can have super feminine characteristics that MAKE her stronger. I think Sansa's ability to hold onto her kindness and empathy throughout her abuse and captivity in King's Landing is her strongest characteristic. She also manages to influence some of the very hard men around her,

I'm from the South, and SAE has a really bad reputation. Not once have I encountered an SAE who made me reconsider my opinion of the organization as a whole. One time in college I met a (somewhat douchey) guy who was a student in New Jersey and who had started an SAE chapter at his university. Like, he specifically

I feel like this can simultaneously be an American problem AND a frat problem. As doit2julia! says, a lot of frats demonstrate and are known for racism in a way that other campus groups are not specifically because frats (and sororities) can be exclusive and elitist. But the problem of racism in Greek organizations

I totally agree that the more racism is hidden the less of a negative influence it will be - if people are wary of expressing their racism openly, future generations will be less and less influenced by it (one would hope). I just wish that addressing peoples' racism directly had more of an impact on actually shifting

Agreed. I definitely still hear racist jokes and comments from white people, but these days they're more likely to be called out for shit they say. I don't really feel like that makes anything better, though. It just means the racists get better at hiding their racism. It doesn't mean the racism has gone away.

Yeah, a lot of white people stop censoring themselves when they're just around other white people. That's when you find out who the real assholes are.

Yeah, this was part of my MEd program. Specifically looking at multicultural classrooms and how to teach in a culturally responsive and sensitive way (like, you know, don't select only books written by white men). We also talked about the bias against nonstandard forms of language, and about how when we teach

Because OF COURSE drugs are way worse than sexual assault, particularly when a POC is accused of the former and a white dude is accused of the latter. As we all know. For fuck's sake.

Isn't it, though?

I think Sansa has already become pretty awesome. She's a way stronger girl now than she was in the beginning. And I think they might have aged her a tiny bit for the show (because the character was really young in the books), but she's still a teenager. She's basically still a kid. And she's survived some pretty

Well, in the South anyway (which is where I'm from, so all I can really speak to), tradition is absolutely a euphemism for racism when it needs to be. People shouted about tradition and heritage when southern states started removing the Confederate battle flag from state flags (Mississippi is still holding out).

I would totally support this if it wasn't for the fact that Howard shouldn't be put through that. Seriously, I feel for that guy so much. I really hope he's able to find work. Everything about this is so fucking disgusting and sad.