
Oh my god so many single-use plastics.

It’s just like... How long did it take to remove literally ALL of her body hair? I guess it’s lasered off, but can’t that burn you? I can’t even be bothered to shave my legs more than once a month. I can’t imagine EVER putting a Kardashian level of energy into hair removal.

Yeah I feel the same way. Prisons just make our society worse. We need a better way to serve justice, and it could start with people who have committed heinous crimes like this needing to make amends, both to the people they harmed and to the community at large.

If it helps you, keep sharing! Sharing shines a light on it and builds solidarity. Many of us have been through similar things and are in different stages of processing them. In the end, you’re healing yourself and probably helping people around you heal as well.

There are people out there who would discount what happened to you, but it sounds like assault to me. I just want to affirm that the lens you’re viewing that experience through now is absolutely valid. I’m so sorry this happened to you.

Your experience sounds exactly like mine and I so appreciate you for articulating it so well.

Leaving doesn’t always feel like an option in the moment. I’ve had bad sexual situations that I’ve felt empowered to remove myself from, but I’ve also had bad sexual situations that I felt stuck in for whatever reason. Sometimes those reasons for feeling stuck were good ones and held up to scrutiny in the more

This mascara is amazing and the first time I put it on I couldn’t stop staring at my own face. It is ABSOLUTELY better than ok sex, but I guess not better than great sex. Still, I stand behind their choice of name.

This happened after the shooter had already walked out of the church. After he’d done as intended and already killed a ton of people. So yes, someone did shoot the shooter, but that did not prevent him from killing or injuring any of the 40-something people he’d already attacked. It’s almost like that “good guy

I wish this list was still up. I have a name I’d like to add. And I would bet STRONGLY that I’m not the only one that shitty media man has raped.

I agree. I also don’t think it’s gross to have your shoes off at work. I mean, maybe pop those shoes back on when you go to the semi-public bathroom for the sake of your own personal hygiene, but in general it’s not harming anyone for you to be shoeless. I live in a culture where it’s actually expected that you

I hope you actually carry copies around with you to hand to people who accuse you of being racist. Literally genius. Can’t stop giggling.

Clapback mailbag is the best part of my week

If there’s someone with whom you feel you were shitty with whom you are real, active, current friends (like, see them on a regular basis friends), you could probably bring it up (“With all this talk recently, it got me thinking about...”).

I don’t think the author was advocating for making unwanted but ultimately consensual sex a crime. She’s simply saying that we need to discuss these problematic sexual dynamics because they are fucked up and make people feel like shit. I’ve had plenty of terrible, borderline nonconsensual sexual encounters that I

You must be mistaken. Republicans are the MODELS of sensitivity and goodwill in modern America. They’d NEVER take a catastrophic event and politicize it for their party’s own benefit like those filthy Democrats always do. /s

I can guarantee to you that ALL of them do BOTH of those things. You make a valid and depressing point, friend.

I agree. Like, why the fuck do we want to have statues up all over the country of people who were traitors and racists? Why are so many white people still so intent on not just preserving but CELEBRATING this shit? (Rhetorical question. I know why, it just pisses me off.)

The thread on Saturday Night Social in which a bunch of white people decided it was an appropriate time to tone-police The Root over their coverage of Charlottesville. There was a depressing amount of notallwhitepeople-ing, particularly at the top of the thread.

I just started watching it! Already loving it. Dan Stevens is SO much more likable than Hugh Grant and the woman playing Fanny Dashwood is perfectly horrific. Thanks for the recommendation :)