The joutfits that will live in infamy forever...
The joutfits that will live in infamy forever...
I ADORE denim on denim. Or joutfits, as I prefer to call them. Not that its evident from my username and picture or anything... :) My favorite is black jeans with a denim shirt. However I have to say that Beyonce is absolutely rocking that denim pencil skirt and now I want one.
I think a lot of Millenials are scared to end up like their parents' divorce, so it isn't about selfish desires or not wanting to get married, but fears that they don't know how to make it work.
Saying that race is a social construct sounds kind of dismissive of all of the horrible things people of color face as a result of most of the world buying into that construct. I think if a pair of white parents want to have a mixed child they have to be seriously conscious of the fact that they will never, ever…
It's weird because even though I know logically that this guy is the most terrible and this list is the most ridiculous, part of me is like, OH MY GOD I'M DOING IT WRONG.
This x10... That's just such an elitist (and ignorant) thing for him to say. Anyone who thinks there is (or should be) one specific "correct" form of English worldwide automatically disqualifies themselves from MY dating pool. So there, guy.
I love this response. Who cares who sees? It's just skin. Grow the fuck up, world.
This was my experience as well. In fact, every French woman I was friends with when I lived in Paris discussed her weight CONSTANTLY. It totally fucked with my head. And a lot of my friends had these super weird eating habits, like where they would have a pastry and a coffee in the morning, drink coffee and smoke…
Ugh yes! "Politically correct" is such an over-used term. It's like there's this perspective that if you're not ranting about or judging something, you're being inauthentic and politically correct. Although, I may be slightly biased because I definitely tend toward what my crazy Southern family calls "political…
PS I totally love grammar, too... English is an incredibly adaptive and flexible language. A friend of mine whose first language is French was talking about that - he said that in French, you couldn't just make a noun into a verb and have it be widely accepted. He used "to google" as an example :)
I struggle with this as well. One thing you can do is validate a student's primary language/dialect/discourse by finding out if the student is interested in writing in that type of language, at least for some assignments. Students definitely shouldn't be punished or made to feel ashamed for using their primary…
Wow I bet that was incredible. We have touched on it a bit in some of my linguistics classes, but haven't gone into too much detail.
Haha well... I get super passionate about this because I'm doing an MEd with a focus on language acquisition and teaching culturally/linguistically diverse students.
This is spot-on:
The good thing is that now I can passive aggressively respond to people who post this by linking to this article...
I second this! When they were in style before, my mom was all like "you look like a tramp you're too young to wear that shit." So now I'm not too young and I'll wear what I want. Take that, mom. Also, it's hot as shit here in DC in the summer, so I'll always choose the least amount of fabric possible if I'm going…
I am somewhat embarrassed to admit that I used to rock a flower crown in middle/high school. I bought it at a Renaissance fair and insisted on wearing it EVERY. SPRING. In my defense, I was young and no one reprimanded me so I didn't know any better till later.
That would be an omen I could get behind...
Alternate uniform: jeans with cowboy boots, plaid (but not flannel) snap-front shirt (tucked into jeans to showcase the huge belt buckle) and potentially a fedora or other hat that telegraphs "old-school gentleman."
This kind of sounds like an Asheville or Burlington bro! Except the Burlington bro would need acid and Molly added to the list of intoxicants. And the Burlington bro may sometimes wear his plaid shirt over a tie-dyed shirt with a clay bead on a long leather cord. Not that I know anyone who fits that description or…