
I would tend to agree that the Atlanta bro is kind of a hybrid of many of the other bros in the country. An Atlanta bro might have something in common with the Mid-Atlantic bro, but also with the Texas bro and the other Southern bros. And in some parts of Atlanta you can find bros that have more in common the

The west half as well... really anything in Montgomery County. You wouldn't believe the number of bros you come across in the Bethesda bars at happy hour.

Or DC Brau :)

Aw I used to live near H St. and I'd walk up whenever I could to hit up the Pug, LMW and Dangerously Delicious. Sigh. I miss that neighborhood. You're right, though, LMW especially can get kind of nuts after about 11. I always feel like I might go crashing through that floor.

Well, I guess it gets even more expensive when you're a bro who refuses to live anywhere but Georgetown or on the red line in upper NW. What's a bro to do?

Haha yes! And looks totally uncomfortable and out of place, especially to the people who actually live/frequent H St. Probably hates Little Miss Whisky's but loves the Argonaut and H St. Country Club (not that there's anything wrong with either of those places).

Oh the white hat - this must be ubiquitous for many red state bros, because the Southern bros love that shit as well. The more beat up, the better. They start breaking it in when they are in the seventh grade and then wear it FOREVER.

Also, aristocratic or wealthy families were more likely to marry off their daughters at a fairly young age. The daughters of merchants, tradesmen and farmers sometimes did not marry till their early twenties (in the early middle ages, anyway).

Hah... "blind faith" in evolution. I'm sorry, who has the blind faith here?

Uh oh guess I am in trouble... I disagree with my boyfriend all the time. I feel it's important to let him know when he's said something factually incorrect (because I am a horrible, castrating bitch).

I do always let him have the big piece of chicken, though. Maybe that will keep me from ending up in Lonesomeville.

Aw thanks! I consider myself something of an expert on/connoisseur of joutfits ;) but that was easily the greatest joutfit explosion of all time.

Oh George... such a delight. This GIF made my evening :)

I can see how someone trying to lose weight might want the validation of people noticing (and commenting), but I generally try to steer clear because saying ANYTHING about someone's weight, whether positive or negative, whether because of perceived loss or gain, feels like buying into the idea that our worth is

Yeah, is it sad that I just went through a mental list of my male FB friends (to see if I am friends with any creeps) as well as a mental list of any photos that could be, you know, used against me?

That first link is one of the most informative things I've read about female anatomy. I feel like someone should have taught us all of this!

I totally agree with you but but but... your comment kind of reminded me of this:

Oh um, I just re-read the article. Between 4 and 8.6?! I'm even more of a strumpet than I thought.

My mom is actually generally kind of conservative, but she got married too young and then divorced 15 years later, which has really changed her feelings about all of the conventions/traditions surrounding marriage. When I was growing up, she told me I shouldn't even think about getting married if I hadn't lived with

What is the average number? I want to know if I am a strumpet!

I always love the links to posts by concerned parents about how inappropriate it is for their innocent child to see such filth. That innocent child is probably off in her room making her Barbies and Ken dolls get naked and rub up against each other. Please clutch your pearls some more.