Yessssss! Day made :)
Yessssss! Day made :)
Fair point - I am coming from a theatre background where we always used the tools in the scene shop. Although being able to use something basic like an electric drill is a pretty useful thing to know how to do.
Haha yes... I was just about to ask if they were referring to Daisy de la Hoya. Who, by the way, had her own spin-off called "Daisy of Love." I miss Daisy. She always had crazy hands whenever she was talking.
Oh pick me! I will join your pants-less book club!
I mean, based on your commenting history I know you're probably being contrary just for the sake of it, but I actually kind of agree with this. It drives me crazy when my lady friends are like, "Power tools? I can't use those! Hanging a picture? What sorcery is this?"
I love the part where she asks if we've "SEEN pop culture today? It's SHIT!" So many things about that...
Love this! When I lived in France an American friend of mine tried to ask someone working in the grocery store if a certain product had preservatives in it. Only, in French, the word "conservateur" means preservative. "Preservatif" means condom. The man looked very confused as to why someone would ask whether…
Or the part about her wanting to "cause a little war." Oh man... I could do this all day.
I think my favorite part is "Shall two knights never tilt for me and let their blood be spilt for me, oh where the simple joys of maidenhood?"
Hey, thanks! Down the internet rabbit hole I go...
I've had this same thing! My very first boyfriend/first love broke up with me because I was "too needy" (I was 14 and my parents were getting divorced... which is clearly NO EXCUSE for having feelings!). Ever since, I've kind of erred on the side of not addressing issues or confronting people about things that upset…
Ah, so now we all know who to blame.
Oh yes! My dad used to sing me songs from Camelot when I was a little kid. Also, true confessions: a) I sing songs form Camelot really loudly when I'm by myself in the card and b) My favorite is "Where are the simple joys of maidenhood" because seriously. I don't think there's another song in the world that makes…
This is... kind of amazing. Where did you learn this?
This is something I've really been grappling with recently. I've had several nice, stable, long-term relationships, but I never really feel fulfilled (unless I accidentally develop some kind of side flirtation thing).
My 7th grade Health teacher told us the same thing! And I think that was in like, '99 or '01. And we had posters on the walls in our classroom that had pictures of happy couples and said "Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder." Crazy shit.
I wouldn't be so sure this guy believes women's suffrage is ok.
The most startling part of that post is that he thinks he is attractive. Does he not believe in mirrors? Has he never seen another person, and therefore has no point of comparison? It's just... baffling.
Thank you so much for sharing your story. You are extraordinarily brave. I am so sorry that happened to you.
No it's really fucked up. Especially the part where he acts like sexual assault is potentially a good thing that could be used for his own gratification. Awesome. I am normally a very patient and peaceful person, but this dude makes me want to break things.