
Yeah, I was fully prepared to read these tweets, chortle a little and then close the page. But then there were things like "Statistical fact... most women actually orgasm during rape. Just goes to prove that most women really enjoy it and were really asking for it," or "Somewhere in America, a woman is raped every 2

Wow... that's really bad. And also really similar to a law that was passed in France a few years ago, supposedly to "protect women from being forced to wear Muslim full-face veils" ..... right. Because the French have absolutely zero history of intolerance and discrimination against predominantly Muslim North

Wow, thank you so much for clarifying all of that. It's interesting (and horrible and sad) how in this case the word is used to suppress the discussion rather than engage in it - the exact opposite of what you would want in a truly multicultural society, in my opinion. That's some serious doublespeak right there.

I'm really interested to know more about this - please forgive me if this is an ignorant question, but what is wrong with a multiculturalism policy?

Yeah, one of my boyfriend's friends says it sometimes with the same kind of excuses, which always makes me super uncomfortable. I've tried calling him out a few times, but he always fires back something completely unrelated, like that he is allowed to use racial slurs against African Americans because he is Korean.

I'm just baffled by all the people who shower/wash their hair every day... I must be the grimiest person ever. I only wash my hair once a week because it's such a bitch to blow it out.

Thank you for making this distinction. I think the idea that the school was banning the natural hair texture of African American students is what made me so upset about this article, but I didn't have all the words I needed to verbalize that until I read your post.

It's PCA (Presbyterian Church of America) that is conservative, at least in the South. PCUSA (at least, the church I grew up going to in Atlanta) is more like what you described - the community and the music are great, and the preaching stays closer to the "judge not" and "love your neighbor" kind of business.

Sexual orientation based on spirit animal sounds AWESOME. Mine's a river otter. Wonder what that correlates to...

I'm really, sincerely glad for you that there was no weird power dynamic. When I was in college I dated one of my high school teachers. Even though I was no longer in his classroom (or at his school), there was STILL a weird power dynamic. And it was ugly. I guess your story just reminds me that it could be ok

Wow. Nearly all of my friends/coworkers in the UK playfully call me a "Yank" (which I then playfully tell them is wrong because I'm from the South). I just don't think you can be playful with "redskin." SO not even in the same realm of ethnocentrism.

The worst is when you were raised a Braves fan and it's your mother chiding you for being a Debbie Downer while she appears on the Jumbotron doing the Tomahawk Chop. And none of your (otherwise conscientious, well-educated) friends and family seem to find anything wrong with any of it. Maybe it's just that I left

And yet my brother and I still (loudly) sing it to each other when we have to walk through the shoe section at any store ever...

I mean, a lot of people have a type. Just because I have some preferences doesn't mean I won't consider dating outside of those preferences. For example, I often tend to date dorky Jewish men who play ultimate frisbee (I'm not Jewish, so this is not a religious thing). However, if I met a man of a different

"I don't date black guys?" Really? That's a thing people say? I feel so sheltered all of a sudden, but I can't imagine a reasonable adult person saying they won't even consider dating someone of a different race, full stop.

I agree - I think if you have epic wanderlust and you love/need to travel so much that you can't NOT travel, your potential partner probably needs to know that about you. Back when I had an OKCupid my profile always said I have a serious need to travel. Because I literally never stop moving and if someone wants to

Thank you so much for posting this. I've been so furious looking at fucking George Zimmerman's fucking smug face all day and then when I saw this picture my heart just broke. He's just... so young.

The whole country has an institutional racism problem. That's the issue I have with the OP's comment. Generalizing it to the South implies that it's less of an issue elsewhere, which isn't true nor does it help us address the root of the problem.

I totally get this - I am very sexually adventurous but I'm really not into sleeping with randoms. I have to know someone at least a little bit before I feel like I'm interested in fucking him. It's totally a personal preference thing, so I would say if you aren't attracted to someone initially, don't force it!

This is a brilliant idea! Where do we sign up?