
Joule thief!

Borderline NP or CP this one, but for someone local it is cheap enough to go and inspect so NP. Quick search of classifieds shows up a non S Mulsanne for $23,995 and another Mulsanne with rather interesting history asking er rather more which is definitely CP!!

Yuppers - GM went to the trouble and expense to design patent a clutch-by-wire system for a mid-engine application. They are absolutely planning for the potential eventuality of a manual in their only mid-engine vehicle.

I drive myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the shift
The only thing that’s real

I would like to comment in order to complain about how many comments there are complaining about how many C8 articles there are.

Because shut up, Kyle.

This NPOCP was intended to be a palate cleanser from all the Corvette coverage. I think if I had posted a ‘Vette this AM you all would have let me have it.

It seems like Musk is taking into account the fact that your Tesla can go out and make money for you while you’re not using it? Thus raising the intrinsic value of the object?

Sorry, I go back to the IBM Model M. It was so clicky, typing on it could be mistaken for a machine gun assault. From a helicopter. I’m all about the click.

Officers on scene were unable to determine if the driver was sober, as he refused to speak, exited the vehicle, stood stock still for a second, then fell over. His injuries consisted of a large swelling on the top of his head, and a number of asterisks orbiting his head. Upon inspection of the vehicle, deputies noted

*David Attenborough voice* “Distraught and powerless to help, the elder Caravan watches in agony as its young is sucked into the deep abyss of the pit.”

Engine out to fix starter is not that bad, Fix the oil leak while it is out. Real problem for me is Carbs. I have vowed never to own anything without fuel injection ever again. CP

Fuck, yeah. They’d find me on the flight deck, sitting in the captain’s seat making prop plane noises and surrounded by empty mini bottles. My first words to the rescuers [maintenance folks] would either be “I’ll never get over Macho Grande.” or “Surely, you can’t be serious.”

El Camin-ohm. Resist the ordinary.

Uhh.... How is it not called "E-Camino"?!

Toyota's actually been doing this for quite a while now.

Let me drop a little lawyer on you:

Q: You’re 70 now?

A: That’s correct

Q: So, we’re to believe you’re a gentle-driving retiree, is that it?

A: Why, yes, sonny, that’s right.

I’ll see you your Speedster and raise you my Spitfire.

Nice find!