
I will crank it by the lake

I realised just after posting, so I edited my response. It is actually worse than blaming an airline.

You can’t buy taste

“...honey producing bugs.”

They were on a major highway headed from Penang to Terengganu

The baby elephant suffered a bit of road rash, and was referred to a pachydermatologist.

Hey man, sometimes when you skydive, you flip a coin.  This time it came heads up.

Oh, the humanity!

“Only pay cash”.

So who do people complain to...Postal Inspector M. T. Graves?

When I was in HS about 25 28 years ago (my diploma is now a classic), here are some cars I wanted — and still wouldn’t mind having today:

He has passed a written exam, a tougher oral exam that focused on the stuff he missed on the written, and an FAA checkride where they made him do a whole lot more than three-point turns and parallel parking.  He greased an aircraft with a failing engine onto a highway.  Dude’s a badass in my book.

Thank you for reading! With any luck the leadership here will let me opine on pinball again sometime soon.

The Air & Space Museum in Tucson is absolutely incredible. Not run by the Feds, not run by some rich state like Californy, but ran by a lowly Arizona county—probably the best, most aircraft-inclusive museum in the world.

You’ll likely enjoy his piece published over at the Autopian last month:

Manual Transmission - is it a “feature”. It is the only requirements.

How the features come with the car when purchased are fully activated. Subscription services ain’t happening with me.

Luckily, those with current reservations for a Lightning will be exempt from the price hikes, but new customers will still have to pay the higher prices.

Combining aviation with the exceptional quality of RV design and manufacturing, sign me up.

The Element abruptly stops when, I’m assuming, the driver notices the speeding Highlander.