
For now, Aston Martin and Rolls-Royce need to be on the list.

Horrible car then, horrible car now. If you really must be totally maso about it, why not this appalling turd, turbocharged, no less?


My first car was a 1972 Hillman Imp! It was a terrible car, but really quite hoonable and - for a 17 year old - the independence was awesome.

That Photoshop is making my eyes hurt.

McChizzle is the schnizzle, fo’ shizzle.

I had one of those, and two GTis. They were awesome. Fragile, but quirky and so, so French. The red GTi - on a trip through the south of France - caused me to learn the French phrase for “my brakes are on fire!”. I had to pee on the driver’s side front to extinguish the fire.

Not to be that guy, but I’m pretty sure these Fleetwoods - like the Impala/Caprice - were B bodies.

And, today on “Ow, my balls”...

May I humbly recommend another, even more forgettable stable mate? The Oldsmobile (under)Achieva?

Actual price - probably $700.

The Carbonite one looks like a good Han job.

Someone failed to see the signs.

My most boneheaded episode was many years ago. I owned a

Third Jeep, second JK. Almost zero defects.

As if that wasn’t ridiculous enough, I can’t look away from that camel toe...

I immediately thought of the Dale, too!

So... the operation was a complete success... except the patient died.

Those things were awesome. I had Octopus, Parachute, and the sweet-ass double-screen Donkey Kong!

What, no props to “airbag propelled electronics in the face” guy for driving a manual? All that distraction AND he’s rowing his own?