
So there are roughly 320 other people in the USA, and about 65 in the UK whose faces will unlock my new iPhone X?

Ford’s Mustang Cars and Coffee exhibit:

Thanks! I remember back in 1980 or so I was on a flight from London to Johannesburg. The plane was ferrying another engine to a stricken 747 on the ground in Jo’burg. The captain joked that he’d bring the other crew a new engine, but they’d have to take the dead one home themselves.

Doesn’t the 747 also have an additional pylon so it can ferry a fifth engine?

So many missed opportunities, the most criminal of which is:

Ooh, ooh, I know the answer to this!

Presented without comment.

Oh, what a giveaway!

The plane can’t take off vertically, and it can land vertically only once.

As a kid, I was taught to call them “quarter lights”.

Two different airframes. The 737-800 has four over-wing exits. The 737-200 has only two.

She had trouble toeing the line...

This footage looks doctored...

That was wheely bad!


Head over heels.

“dippshit”, surely?

Yeah, a coupe - especially a big one - needs to have a growl at the very least.