
Fair enough! :) I just think there’s something inherently wrong about a diesel rattle coming from a GT...

...because we are generally horrible.

Yes. Freak.

I voted NP because fuck it, why not?

So they got caught dead to rights?

Whatever floats your goat.

SEAT is a Spanish company, and Fiat is Italian. As such, they have different pronounciations. I think the Italians say “feeyart” and the Spanish say “sayat”, but the Brits say “feeyat” and “sayat” for those two brands.

Short “a” like in “flat”, “fat”, “splat”.

You say it - like that, actually - “say at”.

Rust in pieces.

She’d be more likely to come IN it! Nudge, nudge, know what I mean?

Hey! Be nice! We have one of those. It cost me $4k less than one without the decals, and it’s a stick.

Cops. Old British term for them.


I got so sick of the airlines that I bought a plane, learned to fly it and upgraded. Now I have a six-seater, twin-engine. I live in Vegas and commute to my job in Orange County every week. I can make it from Vegas to San Francisco in about 2 hours, Orange County in about 1:15.

NJ to CA. Then CA to AZ. The cheapest was AZ to FL, but FL to NV was expensive.

I have. Every time.

Your screen name is, at least, accurate.

Has there ever been a more Australian comment, ever? Have a star, you magnificent bastard!

Hey now!