
Here you go, Torch. Several for sale, including one that’s so awesome it apparently doesn’t even deserve pictures!

This thing has been Bubbatized to the max.

Small planes can have pressurized cabins too.

How about “Truck driver dressed down for tossing salad on M25; leafs scene after losing some green”

I’ll still hit an easy ball... :-)

Use your cruise control?

“Truck driver charged for tossing salad on M25"

I totally read that as “dildo hunting”!

And Tracy thinks his Jeeps will break his heart...

After the sad Aventador crash earlier this year, I hope SpeedVegas makes it to filming:

Uh - same douchey wheels, same stripey flash, is a Z3... Winner, winner, chicken dinner?

Isn’t a vag factory... another VAG?

Don’t need a digital dash in LeMons.

ONLY a tie.

A star for you, you magnificent bastard!

Nice price, of course!

I’m going to award it a NP, simply to honor the magnificent bastard who thought this was a good idea.

I did live in the UK during the era of Carlton ram-raids... I didn’t realize that it was so endemic that there are few left, though. That’s pretty sad. And the VXR220s’ fate is also pretty sad.

Fair enough. But both those pics were proudly sporting the Griffin on the nose... Also, I really liked the Carlton’s Q-car looks. Devastating speed and handling (even today), but with the whole “who, me, officer?” look... Yum!

Ahem. Although not V8, the Lotus Carlton would like a word...