I so loved Frog and Toad. My favorites too.
I so loved Frog and Toad. My favorites too.
Republicans are criminally wilfully stupid criminals.
Yeah, this pissing contest took a scary turn.
Marget Atwood once recalled that when she asked a male friend why men feel threatened by women, he answered, "They are afraid women will laugh at them." When she asked a group of women why they feel threatened by men, they said, "We're afraid of being killed."
Totally. What erked me the most about this was the crap about having a radiant pregnancy......maybe she should swap bodies with me for nine months of non stop spewing and see how radiant she feels.
Yes! Don't tell people how to be married if you've been married for less than like a decade, minimum, and don't tell people HOW THEY MUST RAISE CHILDREN if your kids (all of them) aren't functioning, independent adults. You can offer suggestions on what worked for you and your children, but broad, sweeping…
Changing the topic slightly: The book "Fooled by Randomness" has bit about how very successful people are able to go back and rewrite their own narrative to create the myth that their success is a result of their hard work and so on. The author notes that many not-so-successful people also work really hard, too. The…
"Burns my noodle" is an excellent phrase. Thank you for introducing me to it. Also, I completely agree with you.
I agree BUT people keep asking these people what they do to have __x__ result.
agree, agree, agree. And when people I know who have one year olds who eat every veggie presented to them and they're like I DON'T KNOW WHY PEOPLE LET THEIR KIDS BECOME PICKY EATERS, MY KID EATS EVERYTHING. and I'm like yeah, my kid ate everything at that age too! Talk to me when your kid is three.
A second child often removes those Holy Grail misconceptions.
Yeah, my boyfriend (who's been a parent for more than a decade) was like, "I don't know if you're qualified to write a parenting book until you've proven that you've raised not-a-murderer."
Yep. I really really dislike the adult use of the word "yummy." I don't know why, but it really irks me.
I literally cannot like this comment enough. YES. Also, just the plain ol' baby lottery: some kids are legitimately easier than others. Some kids are more challenging.
I would just append that line to say "18 and still speaking to you other than to demand money" :-)
As semi-defensive of Silverstone as Lindy West is here, the same perspective could be applied to Jenny McCarthy's and Gwyneth Paltrow's sanctimonious bullshit.
"It really burns my noodle when people who have benefited from good luck, good health care and/or won the genetic lottery take their good fortune as proof that they have somehow found the Holy Grail of parenting, and proselytize whatever kinky path they've taken as The Way."
luck is a huge part of it. I did a lot of things I shouldn't have done while pregnant (sushi, Prozac, coffee, 2 courses of antibiotics, and so on and so forth) and yet my kiddo came out perfect and lovely and she's healthy and smart and wickedly funny (so grateful). Not to mention that her momma is a fatty and she's…
This. And when people take generations of benefiting from vaccinations (both directly and indirectly) for granted.