Urban Achiever

Agh, another lip-synching disappointment. Next thing you'll tell me, Jennifer Beals didn't do her own dancing in Flashdance.

Byrne played Jackie Q, Russell Brand's erstwhile wife in Get Him To The Greek. This was one of her music videos.

Goldie Hawn has a granddaughter named Rio? Will she dance across the sand, just like that river twisting through a dusty land? When she shines, will she really show us all she can?

You know, most of us have a couple of middle-school notebooks in which we keep the silly doodles of our adolescence - we can look at them, and then shut the book again. Bieber seems intent on carrying this stuff around in public. To each his own. For me, it's a:

Please, in the name of all that is holy, and all that is not, please stop even referencing Coulter in any way, shape or form. It just enrages people and engenders more hatred, and that's exactly what she and her sick career thrive on. If she could have made more money being an extremist flag-waving Communist, she

What bums me out is that across all the discussion groups across various news outlets, I see people arguing about whether the trial/jury/verdict were racist, but I don't see anyone saying that the laws themselves, and the attitudes of people (like Zimmerman) who support and act within these laws, promote and foster

This ran already.

The Texas law was the first thing up today. You need to scroll down a little further.

You know, not everyone was wearing Dynasty crap from Sears in 1988.

Re: JLo. I don't know, if you're crashing on the couch of a friend because you fought with your parents, does that qualify as 'homeless'? By those standards, I was homeless more than once, but I would never have described myself as such because I had places to go. I feel like now that JLo really isn't Jenny from the

I'm sorry, darling, I stopped listening after that adorable image of the kid in the pink helmet. Now, if you'll just wrap her (him?) up for me for easy transport, I will be on my way.

Fiddy - Never, ever, ever take out your parental relationship issues on your children. Never. Ever.

But, what shoes were all the men wearing!?

Aw, that's where I got married too!


Okay, I'm going to say this and try to be nice about it:

No worries. My friends judged me enough at the time.