So, just a dick, then. Or she wasn't nice enough to him and he is still carrying a grudge.
So, just a dick, then. Or she wasn't nice enough to him and he is still carrying a grudge.
Oh, probably, but overall the outfit looks more comfortable. The only thing that really worries me here is the difference in size between her feet and her hands...
There was this curious article on Yahoo today about a step-mother who, upon hearing that her 4th-grade stepdaughter had been caught bullying another girl for what she was wearing, forced the step-daughter to wear thrift-store 'dowdy' clothes so she would know what it was like to be bullied for her looks (clearly, they…
Whew. Bullet = dodged.
First: Did you get the job?
Because, obviously.
Also, can I just say as a person who was an adult in the 80s, that very little of what I've seen from TCD would have passed muster in the 80s? It all would have been just as puzzling as, say, 'smartphone apps', the Kardashians, the Patriot Act, the inclusion of eastern European countries in the EU, and the fact that…
So, if I understand this correctly (and I'm pretty sure I do), Sean Combs/Lord Wolcott loves everybody, doesn't mind sharing his massive pad with people whether they pay attention to him or not, isn't an age-ist when it comes to women, has room in his heart and mansion for all, and is an excellent shot.
I'm pretty sure that even with modern animation techniques, that level of come-hither seductiveness still isn't possible unless it's someone's natural-born birthright.
Well, I didn't mean to say, exactly, that I don't want to eat some of the marine animals because they are related to insects or not, it's more the leggy thing, or the ick factor. The calamari thing is leg-related, that's all. Just using a different set of metrics.
No! Not really?! Yikes, that's um - disturbing, to say the very least.
Not if I get there first.