Urban Achiever

I guess it all just depends on how hungry you get, right?

The Jonathan Swift diet?

Play the rhumba next!


I think it works in any situation, with or without rhumba foreknowledge.

These are wonderful, thank you!

Seahorse girl, obvs. Well done.

If you eat shrimp, prawns, lobster, crab, urchins (the marine kind, not the street kind), oysters, mussels, clams, calamari - sorry, you have nothing to be grossed out about. If not, well, then, squicky multi- or no-legged animal protein is just not your thing and you may be excused.

Never liked Mickey and the gang, I was more of a Bugs Bunny fan when it came to animated talking rodents.

Hot teen girl horses? Been done. And better.

I know this post is a fanfic about you loving Dan Brown, his sweet words and his even sweeter music.

I know this post is a fanfic about you loving Dan Brown, his sweet words and his even sweeter music.

Don't care about anything but the size of Tarzan's big old feet and toes. Is this why the loincloth is so big and Jane has a bed-hair bun?

First Mother's Day spent without kid - who is off at college in another country. Could care less about cards, gifts, coffee in bed. Just miss her a lot. Waah.

Great pic. And don't tell Michael K on Dlisted - he'll be brokenhearted.

Um, fancy?

My own mother died long before my daughter was born, and it makes me sad every year that I a) can't thank my mom for everything she did and b) that she didn't get to know her amazing granddaughter. They would have adored one another.

Yeah, re: "made of wood", I thought: So irony really did only become widespread in the late 60s.

Certain nerves run from your lips to certain organs of your body. Certain ways of kissing may arouse you or him...Some can resist while others cannot. You may be to blame if he is easily aroused. Sometimes you may be surprised in yourself. After all, you are not made of wood."

And obviously, there are probably some perks to being a pet slave woman, especially the cool collars and...