Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.
Barry, don’t encourage the Bostonians. They’re insufferable enough as it is.
It looks like their comparing the average to each sport, not each individual game. Because of this, football’s 16 games are equivalent to baseball’s 162. Thus, if anything, each football game has the greatest impact on a city average, compared to other individual games.
Yippiee Ki-yay, motherfucker?
It’s a shame that we demonize this guy for being a criminal, when all he needed was a mentor.
Surely you can't be serious.
Well, this explains the whole Tiger Woods divorce fiasco
The NCAA incompetently runs their business? Pray, tell me more.
I normally don't resort to ad hominem attacks, BUT, if sleeping with Ann Coulter is the greatest achievement of your life, it would be wise to sit down and shut the fuck up.
Ser Pounce is a bit of a Littlefinger, obviously
He was able to avoid arrest because the National Law Enforcement Flag Football League (NLEFFL) failed to draft Greg Jennings, leaving no one to put the team on his back.
Peter King: Mmmmm, Alagash White...
Step One: Don't.
Bedard later went inside and told his friends that while he was not angry with Hernandez, he was very disappointed. #dadtalk
But did he lead the Irish to a pot of gold?
Bu- bu- but the children. Won't someone think of the children!?!?
Time to pick some low hanging fruit:
Who the hell let Gary Busey procreate?
I don't want to ever talk about this again, please hand me a check or the cash this week andwe can never speak about this again...
In order to mitigate the strife currently festering on the Sharks roster, Wilson has sent offers to Captains America, Caveman, Kirk, Sparrow, and Hook to assume the role. All have declined. A Captain Corelli has, however, offered to soothe the teams frayed emotions with the sweet sounds of his mandolin.