This sounds like one of those things where you go “ZOMG THAT SOUNDS SO FUNNY AND AWESOME” and then you turn it on and 5 minutes in you go “oh, wait, this is like a whole thing” and you realize the only funny part is its actual existence.
This sounds like one of those things where you go “ZOMG THAT SOUNDS SO FUNNY AND AWESOME” and then you turn it on and 5 minutes in you go “oh, wait, this is like a whole thing” and you realize the only funny part is its actual existence.
FIFA y’all
Ballghazi just keeps getting better and better. I’ve never wanted both sides to lose more.
Appeared to be coated in a tacky substance and seemed spongy or soft when squeezed.
16 is legal, right?
Good. Because if there's one thing they're going to need with this team Kelly is assembling, it's someone who knows how to pray.
“Clean slide.”
so if Urban Meyer kills someone, he’s probably not getting anything.
C’mon. If the Lakers can relocate to LA, why can’t Rivers?
Talbot traveled.
Just like how Gawker never says anything bad about Amazon since that is one of the things that shows up all the time in Kinja deals.
Even cumslingers need vacations.
Nathan Grayson writing an article about shenanigans in video game coverage. Irony.
Wow... You talking about ethics... priceless
My dad is the man.