
Is it possible to make life an only women section?

Because “separate but equal” always works.

You could try Louis Armstrong instead:

Wow you’re life is so fucking hard.

Meanwhile this is how Scotland is advertising it

Yeah he’s being very careful, isn’t he? I noticed that too. Definitely trying to make sure he’s not dragged down with Cheetolini so that when the time comes to step in, he’s not haunted by a bunch of recent trump support. He seems to only back him up at times when it’s absolutely necessary to do so as Veep, and not a

Combine the smell of a hairstylists office and a hospital, and that’s what I assume it smells like. Just hairspray and disinfectant.

Vick’s VapoRub and the salty tears of poors.

Bronzer and processed meat.

If a woman *doesn’t* book a seat in the women-only seat, and then is assaulted, will some a-hole blame her? “You booked a seat in the general population. What did you THINK was going to happen, ya big sloot?”

Trump rarely leaves, not even for a breath of fresh air; nor does he encounter many people he does not already know or who do not work for him.

His whole adult life has been a staged fucking event.

Fuck Donald Trump a million and half times. I hope pretending to be president ruins his life.

prediction: he will go on a record-low number of international trips, instead inviting foreign dignitaries to do state visits here (and stay at his hotel).

Now, with three days remaining until he’s sworn in, he’s doing the same thing. Stop waiting to be reassured. It’s not happening.

“He has not been a person to do staged events for the sake of doing staged events.”

A few months ago I said he’s borderline agoraphobic. He only stays at Trump Tower or Mar-a-Lago, only flies in his own plane (and returns to Trump Tower in said plane after every out of town engagement). Now he’s proving it.

He’s tweeting, he’s occasionally visiting the two restaurants he likes, and he literally doesn’t get outside even to glimpse the sun:

I feel like America tried this on buses (and just about everything else) with black folk. Turned out all we had to do is stop being massive assholes and somehow everyone managed to at least moderately coexist.

They’re acknowledging the problem (men think it’s fine to grope women), but instead of trying to fix the problem (teach men to NOT grope women), they’re just avoiding its consequences (physically separate the men from the women).