
I’ve read this one before, also. Fairly recently, but I don’t know if it was on a reread of previous year’s stories or not.

This is something I haven’t thought about. My grandparents are slightly older than the boomers and my mom and uncles are a little younger. My grandparents raised them and me and my sibling to respect others. You don’t take others’ difference or weakness as ammunition. Do unto others and all that. God. I couldn’t

So THAT’S what I recognize him from.

Yes. I don’t want kids of my own but if I could afford a team to take care of the worst parts of parenting maybe I would. (No, I wouldn’t. Pregnancy and childbirth sound bad enough.)

Who doesn’t?

Yet another reason to love sharks.


You are not alone. It depends for me but if it is a short stay (2 nights) I won’t take it off usually.

My issue is how do they know it has been up for 24 hours. What if the times the house keeper comes around you have it up. (Maybe you slept in; showered midday cuz it is hot, humid and sweaty; had some afternoon sexytimes) and they decide you have had it up too much and barge in while you are in the buff or worse?

I hate that I hate most of his movies and he seems like a dick because the things Cameron does with his millions makes me a big fan. Like, it is exactly the shit I would want to do if I had that kind of money.

I saw it in theatres as a teenage girl. Target demographic. And still found it waaaayyyy too long. Someone gave it to me for Christmas that year and I don’t think I ever took either tape out of its box.

Is it time to talk about gun control yet?

Oh! Beat me to it! Yes. This is the best.

There is one where he eats corn!

This is so strange.

Yep. And in very small towns. Especially islands (because where are you gonna go?) In various parts of the world.

Good dog.

I have never wanted to visit a specific city more than I want to visit Octlantis.

It’s on YouTube.

Fuck yes there were. My people.