
šŸ‘† Me. And I will now get nothing accomplished for the next 3 weeks šŸ˜šŸ‘

When I was a 10 year old girl, I was walking to the bay by myself. It was a normal thing to do at the time (small-town 1990s). One day, a brown van followed me down this long, lonely road. It had tinted windows so I couldnā€™t see inside, and it kept pulling into the shoulder, then creeping up behind me. Thankfullyā€¦

Wtf?! Did she have some sort of master key? And what was she doing?

This happened when I was living in Chicago in 2015 in a three floor walk up apartment building. Only 3 units that shared the stairwell - mine being the middle. One night I was in a hurry to meet friends for a night out. Around 4am, my boyfriend and I came home very drunk to my apartment door wide open. We went throughā€¦

Itā€™s always good to have a big dog.

I mean,Ā close enough...

Damn old creeper

Now I have a vision of Diego as this:

I used to love Halloween and trick or treating, until the year I was eight years old. Up until then, I would go out on Halloween with my brother and sisters. There was a huge group of us, and we went trick or treating for hours, and came back after dark. It was a lot fun, because it was a large group, and I wasā€¦

This is exactly the kind of thing that has made me long say to my husband that no matter what we have to have dogs if we switch from living in an apartment to being in an actual house with a yard. I need a security system to feel safe from creepy dudes.

I do love how over the years of reading Jezebel scary storiesā€¦

Another one that proves truth is scarier than fiction...

When I was 15 I was at a beach with friends and we attempted to jet ski but kept sinking our ski. I ended up walking back to where we had been on the beach by myself and it was long walk from the pier to our stuff. I didnā€™t have a towel to wrap around me as usual. I was wearing a bikini I had chosen myself from theā€¦

This happened a couple of years ago in North Carolina. I was living alone in an apartment complex by a park with a lake. It was several different two story buildings, divided into sections. The outside door to my part was to four apartments: it opened to two apartments at the bottom, and then stairs right by the doorā€¦

Amen! I didnā€™t start to exercise until my late 30s, mostly as a way to strengthen my back that was all jacked up from carrying my babies. I feel SO much more positive about all kinds of things and wish I hadnā€™t waited so frigginā€™ long to take care of myself.

dude they have to be real stories

Oh buddy. I sighed for a really long time. I have a day like that where suddenly an adult man made me very aware that my body was a liability at age twelve too. Hating your body is its own horror.

Something that has helped me is strength training and pilates. Making my body feel strong helps me grapple with the factā€¦

When I was 12, I briefly hung out with a group of girls who were more ā€œmatureā€ than I wasā€”which is to say, they liked boys and makeup, and I was more of a play-with-my-American-Girl-dolls type of tween. One summer day we decided to dress up and walk around our town, which was basically an attention-getting exercise.ā€¦

I know the bulk of these tales are about ghosts and things that are unexplainable, but stories like yours are the ones I find the scariest!

Quite a few years ago, I was in a very bad relationship with a guy who we will call B. He was all around wrong for me, but I was young and of course I thought I could change him. We had already been dating for a while when I began to suspect he was into some....bad endeavors. Anyway, the final straw came when I foundā€¦

Over twenty years ago, my then-boyfriend and I booked a 3 week trip to South Africa. His childhood best friend was marrying a South African girl, and we would fly into Johannesburg to attend their wedding and then rent a car to travel around the country.