
Too Trolly to Live Past Dawn....

Seriously? You think if I punched a guy for grabbing my ass there’s zero chance of him hitting me?

Boys and men are not supposed to grab, grope, and rape either but they seem to have no problem doing that without a second thought. The 1st wrong is really the only one I’ll ever concern myself with.

It’s also not up to you to decide how your victim gets to react to your bullshit.

Here’s the code: If you have man parts on the outside, and you lay one fucking hand on me, the FIRST thing I will do is knee/punch/kick your groin. Your balls are fair game.

Sincerely, everyone everywhere who is fed up with your bullshit.

Many men can only feel empathy when they themselves feel pain. Fuck those guys.

Apparently you have to pick a “side”

Guy here. A woman kicking a guy in the balls to protect herself is never wrong.

This makes me so angry and I feel bad for you.
“A boyfriend in college tickled me so badly I got bruises. “ And that one...Christ. Of course.

Guys like Tom should be punched in the balls on a daily basis.

Maybe you should actually look into the media targeted at girls and women? Are you aware of the fact that almost all women grew up with Disney movies and fairy tales that present getting married as the best thing that happens to the “princess”? Then there are the teen movies and “chick flicks” that all revolve around

Many of us might be married, and to men, even. I am. And yet I often have to discuss the gulf in m/f experience. In what way is Madelines piece making you feel less? Because I don’t see those words.

Since I speak French, I did some research on the situation of parental leave in Quebec and stumbled on an article pointing out that the vast majority of men take parental leave at the same as the mothers do. Do you have any proof that while men “stay at home” at the same time as their wives they do not simply relegate

Turns out, not quite so universal after all.

I learned the hard way that the male friends whose favor I worked so hard to earn would turn on me a minute after I broke up with my long-term, near-marriage boyfriend, in spite of the fact that we were all mutual friends for roughly the same amount of time. It was painful and I was alone during a very difficult time

I don’t know, I’m a petite woman and was a tiny girl. I can’t rely on physical strength. If I got into a fight with a guy, hitting him in the balls would be my first thought because it’s a great equalizer. I’m one big soft spot from head to toe but that’s the one weak point men have.

No, she wasn’t one of the guys. Tom wasn’t grabbing the other guys’ asses, only hers. Letting him do it and them laugh about it was the price of admission for being the girl they tolerated in their group.

This was powerful and eloquent and touched a nerve.

Madeleine Davies, always my favorite.