OMG you should have put a trigger warning on that.
OMG you should have put a trigger warning on that.
Whatever, BRYAN.
In DC I saw a vendor trying to sell surplus Trump t-shirts as “Trump firewood.”
It seems that we’re careening in that direction, anyhow. All I’ve got left is the shruggie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But oh man, having the time and money to spend three hours at the gym everyday with a personal trainer?
At least some of them definitely are:
Amen, especially that once-principled, now shitbag, McCain, who has intimated that none of Clinton’s SCOTUS picks will get hearings EVER. Oh, wait, I live in AZ and can do something to vote the fucker out!
I’m just here thinking about title issues.
Don’t worry, Slick Willie is already working him:
Oooooh. Pence just cancelled a fundraising event for tomorrow.
I’m telling ya. Hillary’s slathered in cat hair or lavender or patchouli or something. It’s genius.
As a”townhall” attendee I would have asked him to explain the differences between shia and sunni to me. Like the vast majority of congressmen (who have nonetheless been voting for the last 30 years to pit these factions against each other when destroying their countries in various wars all over the Middle East) I’d…
This is much more accurate, since unlike refugees, skittles can be orange.
America: you have just two skittles to choose from, and one will DEFINITELY KILL YOU.
How great it must feel to do something charitable and have the credit go to your ex boyfriend.
Ok, I am admittedly really really really bad at this, but I need a ruling. Her follow-up (the full one, not what’s written above) is shade, no?