un vélo solitaire

Agreed. After my dad died, all I could think for weeks was “my dad is dead, my dad is dead.” If I was not specifically asked about something else, that’s all that ran in my head over and over again. I’m gonna go ahead and wager she’s thinking “my dad is dead,” not “I hate SNL and/or Kate McKinnon.”

The fuck?! Um, it’s labor if a baby pops out of you at the end.

Perhaps she doesn’t want to do a tv show because the time commitment could turn out to be insane. Maybe it will keep her away from home for a long time. Maybe it’ll interfere with other projects. There are more options than “she’s a snob.” I don’t get the pile-on here.

So, I have three more people to hate for that POS song than I originally thought?

I don’t want-this show.

You’re famous? I’m guessing...either Liza Minnelli or Meredith Baxter (Birney). Am I close?

Potlucks are a god damned abomination! For so many reasons, most listed above. I will add, the random dishes never go together. No, I do not want spaghetti with a side of corn or mashed potatoes, thanks!

I bought a bike! And I got it on and off the car rack all by myself (I am generally a weakling).

Dude just won four gold medals? Nothing “desperate” about that.

Someone once stole a Linda McCartney frozen vegetarian lasagna from me. Those things are expensive! I was livid. But then I bought another one and got to eat it and it was disgusting, so that thief got what she deserved!

Sounds like a lot of shit did happen in two years.

Baby needs to pull herself up by her bootie straps.

But does she think he’s “hot”? She’s gone out of her way to marry just about anyone except Leo.

Off-topic: can you guys do this for, like, Troop Beverly Hills or the second Addams Family movie or is the Gawker Media metaphor the entire point?

I’m not a fan of the type of music she records, but the woman’s got pipes and she seems like she’d be amazing to get drunk with.

That is also a correct usage.

Where do I collect my prize?!