Deadspin: “This is all so dumb.”
Deadspin: “This is all so dumb.”
If Yu Darvish had pitched better, Deshaun Watson would still have both knees today.
Don’t forget you get Razers questionable build quality and customer service for free!
It’s such a shame that mobile games seem to be mostly self-playing timer simulations with go-faster microtransactions.
So the opposite to all the Wolf 2 “reviews” that all said “graphics are bad” as code for “it’s Anti-Nazi and that makes me angry”.
And I hope he gets the same results as Kershaw.
The only thing better than a Bostonians are racist joke is the inevitable backlash from butthurt Boston fans
It’s not a joke if it’s true.
+1 Dak Prescott
In laws are from Boston, they are SUPER racist. So while 100% might not be accurate, fuck ‘em we’ll just keep making these jokes forever.
+1 Paxton Lynch
Essentially, minimaps reduce player spacial/geographic awareness and they get lost, totally defeating the purpose.
Yes, I hate compass systems and I love mini-maps. I don’t spend the whole game looking at them. I just glance over every now and then if I’m a bit lost. So much better than opening a whole map.
+1 for good UX recommendation. Why take away user control when you can provide user CHOICE instead. A toggle to display or hide the map provides the best experience possible to the individual user.
Removing them entirely is a horrible idea.
I totally understand this sentiment but it was hard to read without spitting my coffee in laughter.
I play it primarily on the go. I just wish nintendo would get their NES/SNES catalog straightened out already. There is little to no reason why NES/SNES/GB/GBC/GBA/N64 can’t run on the switch. I will be more forgiving with Wii/WiiU/Gamecube though.