
If this was the NFL they’d both be suspended.

“Look. Two Corinthians alright? Two Corinthians, see? Two Corinthians walk into a bar, see? I mean those two great Corinthians walk into a bar, see? And those two great, fabulous, Corinthians grab that fat bitch’s ass, right? And one Corinthians says to the other two Corinthians and says Know why I did that? Cuz God

“Hi guys, we are going to continue our great work and continue to be there for you and answer any questions you may have. Except about your pay. Not because you don’t deserve an answer or because we don’t value you, it’s simply because you aren’t being paid. Like, at all. So there is no need to answer any more

It’s a curious case of Benjamin Bortles.

He’s only sorry because he got caught and will soon be losing more future revenue. He’s not actually sorry about being racist.

I thought you were going to say something like “If there’s anything a teenage girl is receptive to, it’s semen.” Cuz ya know...Teen Mom.

“I thought he was an actual Native American.”

So when white coaches are hated by their fan base, do their letters read “I hope you get a heart attack! But thank you for not being black. You should still die though.”

It’s like waiting for Littlefinger/Lord Baelish to get his karmic comeuppance.  I don’t want to wait until the afterlife to find out Osteen is burning in hell for fleecing millions of people millions of dollars.

In a time of racial strife, Fatt Stafford and Jameis Winston show that true racial equality can exist because they have pretty much the exact same body.

I’m stealing this for game of thrones.

It’s cuz they don’t want to be raped.

Well, to be fair, espn is going to claim he’s North Korean and is only trying to do the current administration and Guam, nay THE WORLD, a solid and moving him to cover Ultimate Frisbee on ESPN3.

So did anyone else notice those racists showed up trying to be hardcore with motherf-ing TIKI TORCHES???!!!!Which by the way are most likely made in China.

He didn’t beat up women. He didn’t beat up a single one. You are spreading lies about his guilt. The ex girlfriend actively tried to get her friends to lie to police about abuse and none of them wanted to LIE TO THE POLICE. So you go do you and continue your shitty brand of journalism.

He’s hitting at a hall of fame level while standing at Prince level.

Umm... Cuz they’re the best physics? (Hides head in shame)

Not to be that asshole, but David Ferrara surely is not an elite convict because he is the writer of the original article.

Please don’t let me be alone in thinking Manny was robbed.

If there is a basketball god, please pray to him that Big Discount Brand gets drafted anywhere but L.A.