
We saw several families with young girls in the theater. I don’t know if it was appropriate for them, but afterwards many of the young girls were very clearly acting like her and they seemed to forget about the killing and just remembered the ass kicking woman. Maybe your daughter will do the same. I’d say go see it

I am a big comic fan and forced my wife to come watch this me. Regardless of how this one tuned out, I was going to see it. I was scared they were going to ruin Wonder Woman like they just about ruined Batman and Superman. Absolutely loved the movie.

Like UCLA, he blames the loss on having too many white players in the team.

“60% of the time it works every time.”

“Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.”

After having a team go to their first and only World Series appearance 12 years ago, you are saying that this very moment with almost 5 months left in an eternally long baseball season, is the time to be alive as an Astros fan?

This is why they killed the Classic.

Godspeed to you young man. Unless you were eating young children through a sham charity Second Meals. Then fuck you very much.

Big Baller Brand would like to announce their first partnership, with people and brands that are so big you all know about them by only their first names: Ross, Marshall, and T.J. And all three will be the sole distributors of the Zo2 in 2018.

Longhorn fan here. She knows fuck all about football and Charlie Strong. He might be one of the few coaches to run a clean program. He ran all the criminal element out of the UT program while he was here and most of us were damned glad he did. He unfortunately did not win enough, but you can rest assured that he does

With impaled flagpoles for all (black people)

One draft can have a huge impact on a team. The most recent was the Cowboys draft last year. They got supremely lucky with getting a QB, and that has set them up for maybe a decade. The Seahawks Russell Wilson draft did the same thing for them. Yes, it’s highly unlikely one draft can have an impact for years to come,

Her dumbass handlers lost the opportunity for her to make her surprise return at the Royal Rumble.

Michael Jordan’s father being murdered after pulling over to rest comes to mind. I’m sure a ton more assaults, muggings, robberies, etc that don’t make the news happen more often than we’d think.

How in the world is he supposed to play a game after this? Condolences to the Thomas family. And God help the Heap family too. I wouldn’t want to know a guilt like that.

So what is the problem with you mentioning the name of the website? Shep Mcallister can’t wait to tell us that this is the lowest price we’ve ever seen for a Tony Romo quarterback, or PSN is at 14% savings on amazon. Besides, they are a paying sponsor of yours so please tell me again why you don’t want to mention

He should start a cover(up) band that specializes in alt rock called the tonedefs.

Draymond Green surprisingly paid tribute to a true wrestling legend on Wrestlemania weekend and from out of nowhere hit Mean Mark Callous’ original finisher, a modified wrist punch called The Heatseeking Wristle.

No one, not even Vince McMahon, saw the face turn coming when Grayson Allen muttered to no one in particular “I’m trippin’ Balls!”

So this means you are pretty much a garbage human being and you don’t like fun.