Unspeakable Axe

Look at the polls though. Right now, Biden would be facing a wipeout to that fat old felon. That’s why people are freaking out. We’re headed towards a nightmare and the guy who is supposed to save us needed to have at least a solid showing to reassure the people. He completely fumbled the chance.

Well, technically speaking, not *now* Run the Series. I did two of them last month!

Holy shit, My Year of Flops and now Run the Series?  What’s next, an entry in History of Violence?

Biden was holed up in Camp David for a week (supposedly) prepping immediately prior to the debate. The “jetlagged” excuse is patently absurd. A stutter doesn’t induce you to say things like “we finally beat Medicare” or, when the other guy is talking, just kind of stare off into space with your mouth half open like

I absolutely fucking hate this take.

It baffles me that people keep framing it this way. Yes, Trump sucks. Yes, Biden is the better choice between the two of them. But why is he the choice?

I just thought to myself “this seems incredibly well written, who is this” and DEAR HEAVEN CAN IT BE! Please, please, stay with us Ignatiy! 

First a Rabin My World Of Flops article, then a Will Harris Random Roles piece, and now an Ignatiy review? Whatever year we’ve time traveled to, let’s stay there please.

“director Jon M. Chu blamed the marketing department, which reportedly doesn’t like the word “don’t” in titles.”

By coincidence, we watched the first one on Friday. We enjoyed it pretty well, because we were high, but even with that it was just a colossally stupid movie. We believe it came into existence when a movie executive got blasted out of his mind on coke, watched The Prestige, fell asleep, and then woke up and thought

He’s got a really good eye but isn’t a great storyteller. That’s my complaint 99% of the time with hyphenates. The writer-director ratio tends to lean FAR more towards director, which often leaves the writing weak. Kevin Smith is a rare opposite. For my money Wes Anderson comes closest to a correct balance but even

I liked X and The Sacrament enough to get past my loathing of West. The Sacrament isn’t as interesting or scary as I would like but it wasn’t the aimless tone poem of House or the slightly less aimless but still pretty wheel-spinning of The Innkeepers. (His segments in the V/H/S and ABCs of Death movies are trash.) I

That’s what happens in the indie world, though. Every fucking one of them thinks they’re a goddam auteur.

It’s Rabin! Now bring back Sean O’Neil, Tasha Robinson, and Zodiac Motherfucker!

Good god! They really are reviving the old A.V. Club, aren’t they? What’s next? A takedown review by Ignatiy? The long-prophesied return of Snarkmaster General Sean O’Neal himself?!

I don’t think it’s a minority opinion, most people really don’t give a shit.

Probably minority opinion: The nepo baby issue is overrated. The last name gets you the interview, you get yourself the job. And she’s absolutely right that the expectations are higher.

He “hears stories” but has never actually worked with the man?

Damn...Eggers directed The Lighthouse, The Witch, and the Northman? I was just reading that to my kid, I gotta check his version out

They canned Barsanti, but somehow, there’s been no discernible mprovement to Newswire...