Unspeakable Axe

I will say that the one movie he directed but didn’t write is his worst by a fair margin.

Yeah, even this review retains a consistent through-line of the reviews I’ve read thus far. Looks great, top notch performances, immaculate mood/tone, but underwhelming story.

Katy Perry has this unique power of radiating utter blandness no matter how “outrageous”, “quirky” or “risquéher team tries to portray her.

Oh great yay let's talk about nepo babies some more.

I mean, do people in the real world really care? 

I think the problem there is it would have looked even more like a me-too Yellowstone.  Regardless, the trailer for the first installment wasn’t that compelling and absolutely seems like even in its current format should absolutely have been given time to find an audience on streaming.  I rarely say that because I

It’s really hard to make episodic movies. It’s one thing to have a 5 movie plan, but it’s another to leave viewers feeling like barely anything happened in the first installment (especially if said first installment is very long). There’s a lot of stuff I can see working really well in Horizon, but I wasn’t sold on

i’d even go as far as saying that advance ticket sales/pre-selected seats fucked theatres even before that.

Hey, *you’re* the one that took the name of that dress pattern for your avatar name, pal...

The DNC resoundingly dropped the ball over the last four years. With Trump running again it was their election to lose and they went ‘Challenge Accepted’. There should be a fairly obvious group of Democratic politicians who seemed poised to run for 2024 in the event that Biden proved unable or unwilling, and there

I wish we’d have had someone better and younger to run in 2016 and 2020. The DNC basically running on a ‘It’s Hillary’s Time!’ platform in 2016 was one of the biggest mistakes in modern politics.

Yeah, the case for Harris isn’t that she’s a good choice (she isn’t) but that she’s less obviously compromised than Biden. She isn’t going to drive anyone to the polls, but at least she isn’t going to drive anyone away from them.

What the hell are you talking about? Do you think if Biden steps aside, we just wouldn’t have a Vice President somehow?

If he decides not to run but stays in office, Biden is still the president, and she’s still the Vice President. Al Gore was not banned from running for President simply because he was VP at the time

Exactly. The Biden administration, other Democrat politicians, and the DNC are the ones in denial - not the voters.

The solution is for Biden to withdraw from the race and endorse Kamala Harris as the DNC candidate so she can use the funds his campaign has already raised, and avoid a contested convention.

Yeah it’s a damn shame that we don’t have a duly elected, Constitutionally sanctioned office-holder whose entire job is to take over from the President in case of physical or mental incapacity. Like some sort of Assistant or "Vice" President. Quite the oversight if you ask me.

Anyone buying that he wasn’t well rested is just living in a fantasy (not saying you but anyone who thinks that). He was at Camp David for over a week before the debate. He didn’t have a cold, wasn’t jet-lagged, and wasn’t “over prepared” (whatever that means). He’s simply elderly and in mental decline.

Cool, you could have just said “I didn’t watch the clip.”

I thought Maxxxine was fun enough, but, like X, it mostly only shines as an exercise of homage and send-up. It’s pretty thin outside of that. Pearl is really a step above both X and Maxxxine.

“Is that a hickey?”