Unspeakable Axe

Yep - that’s how you avoid braking stuff.

Shippers tend to do a lot of ‘baiting.

Yeah he was asking for it in that skimpy little venue.

Holy fuck, Naomi Watts looks amazing! Is she a vampire, or some kind of immortal? What’s her secret? Goat placenta, monkey sweat? Is it holy water?

I could see his argument coming from the perspective of someone who appreciates offensive comedy, and is friends with comedians who have more questionable material.

I like Renner, but he seems like a very optional part of the M:I franchise.

Hopeful, but a few too many “greatest hits” here. Shrunken head guy, the “squeeee” as someone is saying his name, the unseen face thing, the worm. Even looks like a dance number, albeit larger scale. I’m not surprised, I guess, it’s a nostalgia sequel after all, but I’d hoped maybe Burton would do better.

And I still remember how everyone freaked the fuck out about it here.

Claiming it *doesn’t exist at all* is a non-starter to anyone who isn’t already a progressive, and it’s just a weak rhetorical and political tactic in general. A gruesomely ineffectual talking point, is all it is.

Right, so “cancel culture” is mostly just one community setting the norms for themselves, and so it’s perfectly understandable that Republicans would be using this method to monitor and discipline themselves. And also, the left successfully cancelled Jon Stewart because as someone who claims to be unable to keep up

I will never forget him calling Barry Corbin a “pig-eyed sack of shit” in Wargames. RIP to a great actor.

Pretending to be too enlightened for bullshit clickbait in the midst of vomiting out precisely said form of bullshit clickbait is, sadly, the entire operating procedure of this witless contemporary version of AVClub.

“Why are we still talking about the Tom Brady roast?” followed by a 500+ word article about the Tom Brady roast... something something Tim Robinson in a banana suit something something...

But almost four years and three very short seasons in, Bridgerton seems to have lost its shine. It makes you wonder, was Bridgerton ever actually good?

This is how you know it’ll be good. 

What happened to Gadd was awful. The fact that people took his story and immediately turned it into an exploitative media sensation is awful.

“Sometimes, it’s okay to just appreciate a piece of art for what it is and stop trying to dig any further.”

well I guess the important thing is to promote the interview by linking to it and making claims to be concerned for this woman's mental health

At some point it stops feeling like any kind of art (even trashy art) and becomes edgelord-courting torture/gore porn, and I just don’t enjoy it OR respect it”

That’s exactly the problem I have with these movies too. There’s no viewpoint being espoused in the Terrifier films, not thoughts or insight, just mindless

Adore the irony of this site bemoaning celebs and media people being too cowardly to be authentic or tackle certain subjects (see also the Avatar article about the side character being rewritten to remove his sexism), when it is this very site - this one! - that has gleefully taken part in pile-ons and clickbait takedo